Hi Release Team :-)

Would you still accept an ABI change of apt to support description
translations into etch?

Below is the conversation between a user, debian-i18n and one of the apt
maintainers... in short Debian i18n Task Force would love to have it, the
maintainer thinks it's ready though wants Debian Release Team approval before



Michael Vogt wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, Sep 23, 2006 at 08:30:14AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
>> Quoting Olivier Vitrat ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>>> Hello,
>>> How can I use the localized translation files found on ddtp.debian.net
>>> with the new APT (0.6.46) ? It's supposed to be supported, but how to
>>> configure apt to tell him to get the translation-fr file and use it ?
>>> any documentation anywhere about that new feature ?
>> If I'm correct, the new APT in unstable does *not* have the translated
>> descriptions support. This is only implemented in the APT in
>> experimental.
> That is correct. The apt with package descriptions translation suport
> requires a ABI change and therefore a rebuild of all rdependencies of
> libapt. Not a big issue, but something that needs to be discussed with
> the release team. My current approach with the apt in unstable is to
> keep it mostly bug-fixes only to avoid disrupting the release in Dec
> goal in Dec. 
>> Actually, the i18n meeting in Extremadura concluded that we, i18n task
>> force, should make all efforts needed to get this feature in unstable.
>> Michael? :-)
> I can easily merge the ddtp branch into the debian-sid branch. The
> code should be good and stable (it seems used in ubuntu/edgy too and
> there were no problems AFAICS). If the release team is ok with this
> I'm fine with it too.
> Cheers, 
>  Michael
> P.S. CC on discussions I'm not on debian-i18n. I'm also available in
> irc (nick "mvo") if something needs to be discussed quickly.

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