Package: Severity: normal User: Usertags: transition
Hello. Ada packages Build-Depend: gnat, a virtual package Depending on the default compiler. In unstable, gnat/7.1 Depends: gnat-7. In experimental, gnat/8.0.0 Depends: gnat-8. In addition, Ada libraries directly Build-Depend: "gnat-VERSION", which also provides what could be expected in libgnat-8-dev if such a package existed. In this language, each change in the source of a library or its recursive dependencies requires a renaming of the -dev package. All reverse dependencies must then update their Build-Depends. The update to gnat-8 requires a renaming of all -dev packages, in addition to the traditional change of Shared Object Version. In order to reduce the number of such slow transitions, many unrelated changes (like new upstream releases) have been introduced with a single new name for the -dev package. Now, everything seems ready. Ben file: title = "gnat-8"; is_affected = .build-depends ~ "gnat"; is_good = .depends ~ "libgnat-8"; is_bad = .depends ~ /libgnat-[1-7]/; These packages are ready in experimental. A bin-NMU to unstable should be sufficient. They Build-Depend on each other via versioned packages (gnat-8, libfooVERSION-dev...) so the upload order should not matter. adabrowse adacgi adacontrol adasockets ahven anet asis dbusada dh-ada-library gnat gnat-gps gprbuild libalog libaunit libaws libflorist libgmpada libgnatcoll libgnatcoll-bindings libgnatcoll-db libgtkada liblog4ada libncursesada libtemplates-parser libtexttools libxmlada libxmlezout opentoken pcscada These packages are ready in unstable, but are not libraries. They Build-Depend: gnat without version restriction. They only need a dep-wait against gnat (>= 8). music123 ada-reference-manual This package is ready in experimental, but is not a library. It Build-Depend: gnat without version restriction. I suppose that it should be reuploaded to unstable, either after gnat/8.0.0 or with a dep-wait for gnat (>= 8) enforcing the build order. topal No one volunteers to update these packages. They Build-Depend: gnat-7 and would block the other ones. Please remove them from testing. polyorb spark What should we do now? Thanks.