clone 364749 -1
retitle 364749 Unclear license statement: LPPL or GPL?
retitle -1 Includes non-free files

Dear release team, dear Ohura-san,

Norbert Preining <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Die, 22 Aug 2006, Frank Küster wrote:
>> >> >   * add correct license statement into the copyright file and include
>> >> >     the list of covered files FILES (Closes: #364749)
>> >> 
>> >> How did you get the list of covered files?  And is there source for the
>> >> images? 
>> >
>> > This files is *included* in the orig.tar.gz. doc/generic/pgf/FILES
>> But this has no legal relevance.  It's just the same error as when
>> people include a file "COPYING" that contains the text of the GPL:
>> There's no indication that the "COPYING" file describes the license
>> conditions for all (or some) files in the tarball.  Same here:  There's
>> no indication that the list of files in FILES means that these files are
>> covered by the license on page whatever of the manual.
> Hmm, my interpretation is as follows:
> The author states that "the package is under GPLv2"

The author at least stated (in the bug log) that he's going to clean up
the licensing, and it's going to be either GPL or LPPL.  I guess GPL,
since that seems to be the more recent choice.  No matter which of them,
this bug should be kept open, but get a sarge-ignore tag.  RMs, will you
do that?

>> And there's no source for the images, is there?  At least in 1.00 they
>> exist in multiple formats, which indicates they might be created in some
>> image editing program.
> There are formats jpg and eps. So I wouldn't assume. A simple "Save as"
> normally is enough.

Meanwhile the author stated that the logos are non-free, one maybe even
undistributable.  These logos must be removed, as well as the (contrib)
files that use them, which is, unfortunately, the pgf documentation.
I'm willing to include the documentation in tetex-doc-nonfree.  However,
I'll first check with debian-legal whether it's okay to distribute this

Anyway, this bug (-1) of the pgf package can only be fixed by removal.

Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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