On 12/28/18 11:06 AM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> If the problem is hardware and connectivity, then IMO you can easily
> find a sponsor for it. My company could well offer it for example
> (hosted in Geneva with very nice connectivity to almost everywhere).
> Setting-up a repository isn't hard. And for a start, I don't think you
> really need a buildd network, just amd64 is ok-ish.

I'd like go ahead with this offer and create rolling.debian.net (as
someone suggested already to avoid reusing volatile). I think we can
take the setup discussions offlist.

>> If you know how to start with a new service at
>> {volatile,fastpaced,whatever}.debian.net without having to reinvent the
>> wheel for acceptign uploads, getting packages built, etc., please
>> enlighten me.
> Setting-up reprepro, or even Dak, isn't that hard.

I already use reprepro

and will continue to use the same (as the number of packages would be
small and it is pretty simple to setup).

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