On 1/3/19 4:23 PM, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> On 02/01/2019 21:10, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>> On 1/2/19 12:55 PM, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
>>> On 26/12/2018 08:46, Bas Couwenberg wrote:
>>>> Package: release.debian.org
>>>> Severity: normal
>>>> User: release.debian....@packages.debian.org
>>>> Usertags: transition
>>>> For the Debian GIS team I'd like to transition to GDAL 2.4.0.
>>>> Like the previous transition to GDAL 2.3.0 (#898566), there is no SONAME
>>>> bump, only the virtual ABI package changed to account for the C++ symbol
>>>> changes.
>>>> All reverse dependencies rebuilt successfully with GDAL 2.4.0 from
>>>> experimental as summarized below, except mysql-workbench due to an
>>>> unrelated issue (#914761).
>>>> libgdal-grass doesn't need a binNMU as the 2.4.0 version will be
>>>> uploaded to unstable instead. liblas likewise doesn't need a binNMU,
>>>> the version is experimental will be moved to unstable instead.
>>> Go ahead.
>> Thanks.
>> gdal (2.4.0+dfsg-1), liblas (1.8.1-9) & libgdal-grass (2.4.0-1) have
>> been uploaded to unstable, and gdal (2.4.0+dfsg-1) is now installed on
>> all release architectures.
> Looks like the rebuilt gazebo fails its autopkgtest due to a broken gazebo.pc,
> see #918121. That causes migration delays for gdal. No idea where the broken
> flag is coming from, I haven't investigated that deep.

That looks like @Boost_PKGCONFIG_LIBS@ which is constructed in
CMakeLists.txt with:

  foreach (b ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
    get_filename_component(bname ${b} NAME_WE)
    # Prefix always -l
    set (bname "-l${bname}")
    # Remove the prefix lib (not always present, like in pthread)
    string (REPLACE "lib" "" bname "${bname}")
    set (Boost_PKGCONFIG_LIBS "${Boost_PKGCONFIG_LIBS} ${bname}")

get_filename_component() seems to return an empty string for one of the
boost libraries.

Kind Regards,


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