(Regarding https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=919395
and https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=919374)

One of the failures is due to not finding header file mysql_time.h

In Debian stable and testing the file
/usr/include/mysql/mysql_time.h is provided by libmariadbclient-dev

In Debian unstable now the file
/usr/include/mariadb/server/mysql_time.h is provided by libmariadb-dev
and the file
/usr/include/mysql/mysql_time.h is provided by both
libmariadbclient-dev, libmysqlclient-dev

So at least this one is caused by MariaDB Connector/C server bundled
version had some of the header files moved from include/mysql to

I wonder if there was some particular design rationale for this
upstream? Should we deviate from that in Debian or have some fix that
is identical in upstream and Debian?

This changed now also in Debian when packages migrated from using
libmariadbclient-dev to libmariadb-dev. The file
libmariadb-dev.install has only "usr/include/mariadb" defined and it
inherits the contents from whatever upstream code outputs there. The
file libmariadb-dev.links also already symlinks "usr/include/mariadb/
usr/include/mysql" (added in

For latest state see

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