Marc Dequènes (duck) writes ("Re: weboob, Gratuitous sexual references"):
> *Unilaterally* taking decisions in a project

I feel I need to set the record straight.  This decision was not taken

The process was:

  * We had a conversation involving you as maintainer; you
    decided that unless upstream were convinced to change[1],
    the package should stay in Debian in its current form.

  * I disagreed with your decision as maintainer and raised the
    matter with various project officials to ask the correct
    route to address my concerns.

  * After discussion (including opinions from DPL, the release team,
    and others), the antiharassment team concluded that this was
    within their remit, discussed it amongst themselves, and
    recommended that the package, in its current form, should not be
    included in Debian.

  * That recommendation from AH was forwarded (via this bug) to the
    ftpmasters, who are actually finally responsible for such

  * Upstream were not convinced to change.  ftpmaster decided to
    follow AH's recommendation.

So ultimately, this decision was taken by the ftpmaster team, on
recommendation from the AH team, with advice on process from the DPL.

I think if you disagree, you may escalate to the TC or to a GR.

> Sometimes it really feels bad to be in Debian…

I'm sorry you feel that way.  I don't think it was possible to resolve
this disagreement without making someone feel like that.


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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