On Fri, 22 Feb 2019 15:12:17 +0100 Andreas Beckmann <a...@debian.org> wrote:
> nvidia-graphics-drivers seems to need a force-hint since it drops the
> driver parts for i386 and armhf (and the libraries for armhf as well).
> This makes the arch:all meta-package hashcat-nvidia uninstallable on
> i386 (since nvidia-smi is gone).


I'd like to see this sorted out before I upload a new upstream release
to unstable. Or are there more blockers for the migration that I'm
currently not aware of? (Cruft packages should not be an issue.)

There is also #922976 which suggests hashcat to restrict to amd64 and/or
add alternative dependencies to the respective packages from the 390xx
legacy driver.



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