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Hi Andreas,

On 11-04-2019 19:51, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> The second notable change is related to sa-exim. Exim in Debian was
> patched to allow dlopening a localscan() module. The single consumer of
> this patch in Debian is sa-exim. (The patch also originates there.)
> The patch in Debian has been nonfunctional in unstable for quite some
> time (4.92~RC2-1/experimental/18 Dec, 4.92~RC3-1 unstable/26 Dec and
> buster/03 Jan). The issue only popped up end of March on the upstream
> user support ML.
> Looking at the state of sa-exim (dead upstream since 2006 and buggy: 
> #879687) we have decided stop patching exim, which resulted in 4.92-5,
> which
> - improves the example/docs for content-scanning in exim without sa-exim
> - drops the abovementioned patch and the virtual Provides for
>   exim4-localscanapi-2.0 and also drops the exim-dev packages (only
>   needed for sa-exim). Exim now also Conflicts with sa-exim.

I am probably missing something, but as far as I see it, your packages
can't migrate to testing/buster because it would make sa-exim
uninstallable. If I am right, please coordinate with the maintainer of
sa-exim (in CC). At least at this moment they should agree that it is
alright to remove sa-exim from buster. I am not seeing any serious bugs
reported against sa-exim so they may not be aware of the issue.


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