Hi Ivo,

On Sat, 13 Apr 2019 13:22:01 +0200, Ivo De Decker <iv...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 10:26:04AM +0200, Stephen Kitt wrote:
> > I have a couple of fixes pending upload for gcc-mingw-w64, and I’m
> > wondering if they’d pass muster for Buster. The attached patches fix,
> > in order:
> > 
> > * #923214 — an ICE hit with external static data members
> > * #925172 — std::filesystem support is broken in the current Buster
> >   package
> > 
> > I’m requesting approval for these fixes before uploading them to
> > unstable. The candidate source package would contain only those fixes
> > plus the result of running "dch -r". Note that because of the way
> > gcc-mingw-w64 works, this would involve pulling gcc-8 8.3.0-6 (or
> > whatever version is in unstable when the package is built) in too.  
> I haven't looked at the details of these patches yet, but I notice that this
> doesn't address #923698 (which you set to serious). What's your plan with
> that one?

I’m still working on it, it’s taking longer than I hoped to figure out what’s
broken. I thought it would be worth getting the fixes I do have into the
archive sooner rather than later, especially since #923214 prevents
meaningful testing in a number of cases!



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