On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 09:46:41PM -0700, tony mancill wrote:
> I am not a member of the OpenJDK team and contributed far less to the
> JDK 8 -> 11 transition than Emmanuel has.  If he and Matthias are in
> agreement and the plan is palatable to the Release and Security Teams,
> that's ideal.

I don't have any preference either, just adding my 2 cents here; with
our buster release set to 6th of July and the next Oracle CPU set for
July 16, we'll ship a non-GA release of Java for maybe two, at most three
weeks (as buster-security will rebase to the next openjdk-11 following
the CPU). I'm also fairly sure we've shipped non-GA releases for openjdk-8

In any case, whether we go with t-p-u or unblocking the sid version,
we should fix a solution before the release and not ship buster with
the unfixed issues from the April CPU :-)


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