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Hi Paul,

On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 7:23 PM Paul Gevers <> wrote:
> There are quite a lot of changes in the diff, and only at the end we get
> to the Reiwa support (if I understand the code and comments at all). You
> haven't explained these other changes. If all we are now talking about
> is Reiwa support I will *not* unblock the current version of icu, as it
> introduces changes that are not targeted at fixing that.
 Indeed, there are other changes. Let me go into more details via the
upstream commit list[1] which is on the maint-63 branch (important
bugfixes only for the 63 release).
The 63.1 release happened on Oct 13, 2018 with the last commit of
ICU-20205 (RelativeDateTimeFormatter pt data fix, improved error
handing and test)[2].
The first fix is ICU-20208 (uspoof.cpp function checkImpl should be
static) [3] and I've backported it with ICU-20246 (Fixing another
integer overflow in number parsing) [4] (security issues) to (and
already in) Buster.
Fixes between these commits (ICU-20214 Fix namespace error on Cygwin,
ICU-20209 Fix build failures on Windows and ICU-20240 Fix Windows
build failure) [5] are for Windows only and don't affect us.
Next is a faster operation change with hashtables (ICU-20250 faster [6]. An additional speed change is the
startup regression change (ICU-20250 make UnicodeSet(intprop=value)
faster) [7] that I had to reverse apply (meaning not part of the
source in this unblock request) due to its ABI break.
The next commit is for the Java ICU source [8] (ICU is split in Debian
to src:icu and src:icu4j), ICU-20255 revert to reflection for methods
not yet in Android API thus not part of this unblock request.
Then comes the Japanese era Reiwa support commits [9] (ICU-20536),
these would be very good to have for Buster. Then the version number
update with the IANA tzdata update to 2019a [10] come. The latter is
preprocessed to the source/data/in/icudt63l.dat file.

In general the other changes you see are Windows only related changes.
What I didn't mention is the hashtable speedup fix[6] and the IANA
tzdata 2019a update which is preprocessed to the dat file.
I know there's one more commit [11] (ICU-20558 Fix regression in
DateTimePatternGenerator) but as I haven't seen it before it's also
not in this unblock request (ie, not yet backported). How this should
be handled? Do you need more information for icu-63.2-2 and/or can I
use this fix as well and need to ask you only then for the unblock?

Thanks for consideration,

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