Control: tags -1 + moreinfo On Sat, 2019-12-21 at 14:43 +0100, Xavier Guimard wrote: > cyrus-imapd has a RC bug. This little patch tested by reporters fixes > the problem.
Fun timing, given +deb10u3 only just went through security... :-p +cyrus-imapd (3.0.8-6+deb10u4) buster; urgency=medium + + * Add BACKUP type to cyrus-upgrade-db (Closes: #930764) [...] - DUPLICATE|PTS|STATUSCACHE|TLS|ZONEINFO|SEEN) + DUPLICATE|PTS|STATUSCACHE|TLS|ZONEINFO|SEEN|CONVERSATIONS|S EARCH_INDEXED|SORTCACHE) What's that change for? (As none of the mentioned items is "BACKUP".) Regards, Adam