Paul Gevers:
> [..]
> since August (and currently triggers an autopkgtest regression)),
> [..]

I discovered last night that autopkgtest does not force that

(a) the source package whose tests/control is being used to define the test and
(b) the binary packages being installed to run the test

are used at the same version. This is an autopkgtest bug and it will be fixed. 
In the meantime it means a lot of these rust autopkgtest "regressions" are 

This particular false-positive shows itself with a message near the end of the 
error log like "/usr/share/cargo/registry/$crate-$version does not exist". This 
cannot be fixed on the rust side, so don't waste your time trying - it will be 
fixed on the autopkgtest side.

The relevant autopkgtest bug is #896023. It was previously closed since a 
proper solution was thought not to be feasible, but I think I have a proper 
solution for it.


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