Am 20.10.20 um 15:42 schrieb Carsten Schoenert:
> Hello Michael,
> Am 20.10.20 um 14:54 schrieb Michael Biebl:
>> Shouldn't we rather wait, until such an updated enigmail package is
>> available? I see, that the enigmail package has a bug report with
>> attached patches, maybe it's time to NMU (that said, I've explicitly
>> CCed Daniel, maybe he can chime in here)
>> I don't think forcing TB 78 into testing is the answer, your users would
>> be quite unhappy.
> I personally think that we already break the user experience as we
> released TB for buster through stable-security and some days ago also
> for LTS users. So I see no need to wait any longer. Currently the
> upgrade path for buster users is at least broken for Thunderbird.

I guess the solution for that is to upload enigmail 2.2 as quickly as
possible to stable(-security).
It is not justification to break more stuff.

Fwiw, I'm willing to NMU enigmail, if there is no progress on #970111.

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