On 12/2/20 5:42 PM, Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 08:40:22AM +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
>>> Thanks for the upload.
>> :) note however that "#975016: OpenJDK 15 support state for Bullseye" is 
>> still
>> open...
> ping, has there been any progress on this?

chatting with Moritz from the security team, we found four options:

1) Ship a snapshot of OpenJDK 17 in bullseye.  The package is
   marked as a snapshot build.  Mention in debian-security-support
   and the Release Notes, that the package is unsupported.  The
   package should be updated to the final OpenJDK 17 release via
   debian-security (final release is expected in October 2021).
   I volunteer to do that, I also volunteer to prepare follow-up
   updates, but unlikely for every security update which is
   expected every three months.

2) Like option 1), but find somebody committing to constant security
   updates. Mentioning in debian-security-support and the Release
   Notes is not needed.

3) Provide OpenJDK 17 in the same archive area as planned for all
   the go dependencies.  I don't know what would be involved with

4) Provide OpenJDK 17 in bullseye-backports only.  I don't know
   how it can land there.  The backports section also might not be
   enabled for everybody.

My personal preference would be option 1.


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