Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Please unblock package galera-3 to allow new upstream maintenance
release into Bullseye.

unblock: galera-3/25.3.33-1

[ Motivation ]

The new upstream version 25.3.33 is a maintenance release that only
fixes bugs. Occasionally new Galera versions are uploaded to stable
updates and they have a good track record of not causing regressions.
It is worthwhile to include this package in Bullseye so that we don't
need to upload it as a stable update later.

This package is also needed into Bullseye in order to ship updates to
buster-backports and stretch-backports, as backports are capped to the
latest release version in a later distro release (=Bullseye).

Package galera-3 is a leaf package (nothing depends on it in Debian
Bullseye) so risks are low.

Galera 3 also has an excellent track records of using Salsa-CI,
autopkgtests and has had zero bugs filed against it for a long time:

It does also have changes in packaging, but only the necessary ones to
adapt to upstream changes and the changes are identical with what was
done upstream and what has been out there (by upstream outside of
Debian) for several months now without any reported regressions.

[ Checklist ]
  [x] all changes are documented in the d/changelog
  [x] I reviewed all changes and I approve them
  [x] attach debdiff against the package in testing

[ changelog ]
galera-3 (25.3.33-1) unstable; urgency=low
  * New upstream version 25.3.33
  * Follow upstream change and switch from SCons to CMake. This
    is necessary, otherwise building from sources would fail.
  * Remove patches applied upstream or obsoleted by SCons->CMake change
  * Add Lintian overrides for changes that are intentional

Sorry for not filing this unblock request 2 months ago. I somehow
forgot about galera-3 while focusing on galera-4 and mariadb-10.5...

Attachment: galera-3_25.3.33-1.debdiff.xz
Description: application/xz

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