Control: tags -1 + confirmed

On Sun, 2021-09-26 at 23:01 -0300, Joao Eriberto Mota Filho wrote:
> This update is not for a regression. There are two bugs discovered
> recently.
> With these bugs, jailkit will work partially. The bugs are #992420
> and #992422.

+  * debian/patches/:
+      - 050_fix-incorrect-device.patch: created to fix the incorrect calc of
+        device major number. Without this patch, jailkit won't be able to
+        create jails that needs a device from /dev. Thanks to Jesse Norell
+        <>. (Closes: #992422)


+      - 060_fix-typo-jk_init.patch: created to fix a typo in /usr/sbin/jk_init.
+        Without this patch, jailkit won't be able to check the presence of
+        some libraries. Thanks to Peter Viskup <>.
+        (Closes: #992420)

s/check the/check for the/

Please go ahead.



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