Control: tags -1 confirmed

On 2021-10-12 13:09:02 +0200, Drew Parsons wrote:
> Package:
> Severity: normal
> User:
> Usertags: transition
> X-Debbugs-Cc:, Anton Gladky <>
> I'd like to proceed with a transition of the numerical library stack.
> This involves
> superlu       5.2.2+dfsg1 -> 5.3.0+dfsg1  (both libsuperlu5 so not really a 
> transition)
> superlu-dist  libsuperlu-dist6 -> libsuperlu-dist7
> hypre         2.18.2 -> 2.22.1 (internal within libhypre-dev)
> mumps         libmumps-5.3 -> libmumps-5.4
> scotch        6.1.0 -> 6.1.1 (both libscotch-6.1 so not a transition)
> petsc         libpetsc-.*3.14 -> libpetsc-.*3.15
> slepc         libslepc-.*3.14 -> libslepc-.*3.15
> (together with petsc4py, slepc4py)
> Header packages libxtensor-dev, libxtensor-blas-dev will also be
> upgraded (xtl-dev 0.7.2 already got uploaded to unstable).
> fenics-dolfinx will upgrade
>   libdolfinx-.*2019.2 -> libdolfinx-.*0.3
> (along with other fenics components). There is currently some problem
> with fenics-dolfinx 1:0.3.0-4 on 32-bit arches i386, armel, armhf.
> I'll skip the demo_poisson_mpi tests for them if necessary.
> sundials 5.7.0 is incompatible with hypre 2.22, Anton Gladky (cc:d) will
> upgrade to sundials 5.8.0.
> openmpi/mpi4py/h5py have recently migrated to testing so shouldn't give
> any particular trouble (apart from the known 32-bit dolfinx problem)
> auto transitions are already in place:

Please go ahead


> Ben file:
> title = "numerical library stack";
> is_affected = .depends ~ "libpetsc-.*3.14" | .depends ~ "libpetsc-.*3.15";
> is_good = .depends ~ "libpetsc-.*3.15";
> is_bad = .depends ~ "libpetsc-.*3.14";

Sebastian Ramacher

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