On 2021-10-30 00:50:49 +0200, Drew Parsons wrote:
> On 2021-10-22 14:35, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> > On 2021-10-12 13:09:02, Drew Parsons wrote:
> ...
> > > I'd like to proceed with a transition of the numerical library stack.
> ...
> > > (along with other fenics components). There is currently some problem
> > > with fenics-dolfinx 1:0.3.0-4 on 32-bit arches i386, armel, armhf.
> I've got dolfinx passing (or skipping) its own tests on 32-bit.
> There's a problem with 32-bit MPI though. i386 and armhf are failing to run
> pytest over python unit tests in MPI
> (fenics-dolfinx/debian/tests/test-dolfinx-python-unittests).  The error is
> reproducible from the command line on an i386 porterbox,
>   $ cd fenics-dolfinx-0.3.0/python/test/unit
>   $ mpirun -n 2 pytest-3 -v
>   ...
>   rootdir: /home/dparsons/fenics/fenics-dolfinx-0.3.0/python, configfile:
> setup.cfg
>   plugins: mpi-0+unknown
>   collecting 0 items / 1 error
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   "MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD with
> errorcode 59."
> I haven't been able to coax any more detail out of it than that.
> Might be something more insidious going on with 32-bit python and MPI.
> mpi4py is also failing i386 tests, see
> https://ci.debian.net/packages/m/mpi4py/testing/i386/
> https://github.com/mpi4py/mpi4py/issues/105

Could you please file a serious bug agains mpi4py so that this issue is
documented in the BTS?

> On the other hand fenics-dolfinx demo_elasticity.py is passing fine in MPI
> (though I did have to disable the helmholtz, condensation and poisson
> demos).
> pytest-mpi is passing its tests on i386 and armhf.
> What's best for us?  Just skip the fenics-dolfinx python units tests in MPI
> on 32-bit machines?
> Or configure the migration tool to ignore these i386/armhf test failures, so
> that we can keep monitoring the tests in debci?

If this issue is solely caused by mpi4py, then it should be fixed there
and we can ignore the test results for fenics-dolfinx for this

In any case, everything is blocked on the sundials upload.

Sebastian Ramacher

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