On 2021-10-29 10:36:25 -0300, Lucas Kanashiro wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Oct 2021 23:34:28 +0200 Sebastian Ramacher <sramac...@debian.org>
> wrote:
> > Yes, please go ahead
> I just uploaded ruby-defaults/1:2.7.6 to unstable adding ruby3.0 as an
> alternative interpreter, it should be available soon. Below you can find a
> list of binNMUs for the dependency level 1:
> dislocker
> epic5
> graphviz
> hivex
> kamailio
> klayout
> kross-interpreters
> libprelude
> libselinux
> marisa
> mecab
> ngraph-gtk
> notmuch
> protobuf
> qdbm
> raspell
> redland-bindings
> remctl
> rrdtool
> ruby-atomic
> ruby-augeas
> ruby-bcrypt
> ruby-bcrypt-pbkdf
> ruby-bert
> ruby-bindex
> ruby-binding-ninja
> ruby-cairo
> ruby-cbor
> ruby-character-set
> ruby-charlock-holmes
> ruby-concurrent
> ruby-cool.io
> ruby-curb
> ruby-curses
> ruby-damerau-levenshtein
> ruby-dataobjects-postgres
> ruby-dataobjects-sqlite3
> ruby-debian
> ruby-debug-inspector
> ruby-eb
> ruby-ed25519
> ruby-enumerable-statistics
> ruby-escape-utils
> ruby-eventmachine
> ruby-exif
> ruby-fast-blank
> ruby-fast-stemmer
> ruby-fast-xs
> ruby-fcgi
> ruby-ffi
> ruby-ffi-yajl
> ruby-filesystem
> ruby-fusefs
> ruby-gitlab-pg-query
> ruby-god
> ruby-gpgme
> ruby-hiredis
> ruby-hitimes
> ruby-jaro-winkler
> ruby-kgio
> ruby-ldap
> ruby-levenshtein
> ruby-libxml
> ruby-liquid-c
> ruby-murmurhash3
> ruby-mysql2
> ruby-narray
> ruby-ncurses
> ruby-nfc
> ruby-nio4r
> ruby-nokogiri
> ruby-odbc
> ruby-oily-png
> ruby-oj
> ruby-ox
> ruby-pcaprub
> ruby-pg
> ruby-posix-spawn
> ruby-prof
> ruby-prometheus-client-mmap
> ruby-rblineprof
> ruby-rbtree
> ruby-rdiscount
> ruby-re2
> ruby-redcarpet
> ruby-redcloth
> ruby-regexp-property-values
> ruby-rinku
> ruby-rjb
> ruby-rmagick
> ruby-rpam-ruby19
> ruby-rpatricia
> ruby-rugged
> ruby-sdl
> ruby-sequel-pg
> ruby-serialport
> ruby-shadow
> ruby-stackprof
> ruby-strptime
> ruby-termios
> ruby-thrift
> ruby-timfel-krb5-auth
> ruby-tioga
> ruby-tokyocabinet
> ruby-uconv
> ruby-unf-ext
> ruby-unicode
> ruby-version-sorter
> ruby-vmstat
> ruby-websocket-driver
> ruby-xmlhash
> ruby-xmlparser
> ruby-yajl
> ruby-zoom
> spglib
> stfl
> subtle
> subversion
> uwsgi
> vim-command-t
> weechat
> xapian-bindings

Those have been scheduled. Note that a bunch of them have only built and
installed the extension for the default ruby version, e.g.,
ruby-debug-inspector and libprelude.

> The following packages are also part of the dependency level 1 but they are
> still FTBFSes, let's skip them for now.
> obexftp
> ruby-byebug
> ruby-ferret
> ruby-dataobjects-mysql
> ruby-gd
> ruby-json
> ruby-kyotocabinet
> ruby-libvirt
> ruby-mmap2
> ruby-psych
> ruby-ruby-magic-static
> ruby-sigar
> -- 
> Lucas Kanashiro

Sebastian Ramacher

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