Am Wed, Dec 01, 2021 at 06:28:06PM +0100 schrieb Sebastian Ramacher:
> On 2021-12-01 22:46:45 +0530, Nilesh Patra wrote:
> > Because the version from testing 0.12.1-4 is failing which does not have 
> > allow-stderr restriction.
> > 
> > The new version 0.12.7 you uploaded has it. The new version is blocked from 
> > migrating because of libgclib.
> > libgclib is further blocked from migrating because of ABI breakage. And 
> > this change is in NEW.
> > 
> > So we are moving in circles. Why are simple changes so slow so god damn 
> > difficult to do at times?!
> > 
> > I guess a not very good workaround would be to add an explicit breaks for 
> > gffread (<< 0.12.1-4~)  in r-bioc-gviz that would tell Britney the right 
> > thing to do. More ideas welcome.
> Let's not do that. As this only produces a warning this won't be an
> issue for users. I think this can be solved with the appopriate hint.
> The point of Graham's mail was that r-bioc-biocparallel was not the only
> package that would have needed a hint. If you want to speed this up, we
> need a full list of packages that need to be urgented or need their
> autopkgtest regressions investigated.

Well, if its only gffread (despite I have no idea why this test fails on
debci while passing for me locally and on Salca CI) we can easily
droping all r-bioc-* packages from its test.  The test is just checking
*all* packages in Debian that are featuring a gff file and just reads
those files.  Droping r-bioc-* packages leaves a sufficient amount of
other files to test ... and the warnings are happening not for a single
r-bioc-* package but for other ones.

But may be if you can work around this with some hinting that is the
easier solution here.

Kind regards



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