Mattia Rizzolo <> schrieb:
> --FJqzFV9NFse93u4l
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>> Am Sun, Dec 05, 2021 at 10:53:56AM +0100 schrieb Paul Gevers:
>> > The problem really is lack of maintenance. In my opinion, chromium dese=
> rves
>> > an active *team* to support it in Debian.
> [..]
>> > We'll not ship it in bookworm unless we see steady uploads
>> > in unstable and we see security uploads in stable.
> FWIW, as the person currently sponsoring the (few) uploads thatt happen,
> I also approve of this.
> I had some hopes for the current "team" (m)ilbert and Michel), but
> gilbert's mail even started bouncing, and Micheal became less and less
> responsive :(  - I understand it's a complicated package so yes, there
> needs to be a real team: I also recommend you require an active (as
> gilbert is not) DD in the team that actually maintains chromium (so not
> me who just sponsor the uploads).

Could anyone who's using Chromium on Debian please create a page on which lists the alternative options to use a current
Chromium (Flatpak, ungoogled Chromium from elsewhere, snap, whatever else
there is)?

This would be useful to help people now looking for an alternative and
we can eventually also reuse this page if we need to EOL for stable/oldstable
(which we should do if the situation doesn't change in a sustainable
manner by early next year).


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