Control: tags -1 + moreinfo


I noticed some packages in the tracker not appearing in your list;
e.g. openimageio, pcl and yade.  These packages have transitive
build-dependencies on libtbb-dev through e.g. libopenvdb-dev or
libvtk9-dev, and should be investigated as well.

Note that we will require fixes, or at least patches, for "key
packages" [1] before starting with this transition, and at least
trilinos is currently on that list.

It may be worth considering again Matthias' suggestion in #1006920 to
keep the old tbb package around as libtbb2-dev and libtbb2-doc in
order to allow packages like numba to get the new tbb soon, and other
packages stuck with the old tbb more time to get fixed.



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