Hi Sandro (2022.12.22_00:13:36_+0000)
> It appears there has been little work in preparing the work to
> introduce python3.11 from its maintainer, instead that works has been
> pushed downstream to maintainers.

That is, I'm afraid, the only realistic approach for handling new Python
versions. It is too much work for one or two people to do. It needs the
help of the team and upstreams to make it happen.

Yes, a maintainer could take all this work on their shoulders, but if we
require them to, I don't think we'll ship even vaguely current Python

> if we continue with the plan as described above, several python
> libraries/applications maintainers will be left with the short end of
> the stick and deal with an unknown amount of issues (upstream fixes
> not available, not ready and or/ not released, rushed, etc) with less
> than a month from the beginning of the transition freeze[2]

That will almost certainly be the case, yes. So we have a trade-off to
make between shipping a new Python upstream release, that many of our
users would definitely appreciate, and having some libraries / apps miss
the release, that many of our users would probably be affected by.

> [2] also highlights at the very beginning "Plan your changes for
> bullseye", this change appears as if it was not planned and we should
> be skeptical to proceed without further (and in advance) understanding
> of the impact it may have on Bullseye.

We discussed this transition at DebConf 22, and decided to approach it
the way that it has been approached.

Where we currently are in the release, I would lean towards going
through with the transition. So far, it seems to have been roughly as
difficult as previous Python transitions.

There have been rebuilds in Ubuntu that give us some idea of how much
work remains. I think it's tractable, but also will have some package


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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