On Wed, Jan 17, 2007 at 11:55:47PM +0100, Christian Hammers wrote:
> Do we really have so few donations that we cannot afford to get
> at least two buildd per architecture (or four if security-buildd are
> separate) and at least one with ssh access for developers?

If it's helpful, I've got two alpha machines that I could donate
(officially or otherwise) to the project.  One is a 4-way EV56 with
2GB of RAM and a few smallish (4 or 9 GB) disks, and the other is a
Personal Workstation 433 MHz 21?64 with an unknown amount of disk
space.  The 4-way system is an AlphaServer 4100 that has already been
used by a number of DDs for various projects (most recently tbm used
it for gcc 4.2 testing).

Let me know.  We're already hosting casals.d.o and vaughan.d.o at my
site and could handle another machine or two if they'd get used.


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