Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock
Control: affects -1 + src:aide

This is a pre-upload request for guidance regarding aide 0.18.2.
upstream released a new version that fixes a number of locking issues,
each of which possible a release-critical bug.

Debian does not have reports of these bugs since aide is seldomly used on
unstable/testing machines, but they have shown up during testing on
upstream side and are fixed now.

All downstream dependencies of aide are either in-package or
Recommends/Suggests, so breaking other packages unlikely.

I am attaching the upstream diff between 0.18.1 and 0.18.2, pulled apart
to the respective commits, 273 lines length including commit messages,
comments and the noise caused by the release.

The aide package has autopkgtests.

I reviewed the changes and approve them.

Please indicate whether you would be ok with going with the upstream
release via unstable to bookworm.

A debdiff of the actual package will be delivered for approval before
upload once you have indicated that you would consider approval. Thanks
in advance.


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