Control: tags -1 + bookworm confirmed

On Tue, 2023-07-11 at 04:50 +0000, Tobias Frost wrote:
> ( sent to early) please do a binnmu for bookworm:
> nmu libnginx-mod-http-modsecurity_1.0.3-1+b1 . ANY . bookworm . -m
> "rebuild against pcre2 (Closes: #1037226)" 

As it turns out, the version specification there needs to be for the
source. As only amd64 currently has a binNMU, I've scheduled that as:

nmu 2 libnginx-mod-http-modsecurity_1.0.3-1 . ANY . bookworm . -m "Rebuild 
against pcre2 (Closes: #1037226)"

in order to ensure that the version numbers line up afterwards.



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