On 2024-04-02 07:13:38 +0100, Alastair McKinstry wrote:
> On 01/04/2024 23:25, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> > > There is a transition to openmpi-5 / mpi-defaults which is stalled by the
> > > t64 transition.
> > > 
> > > It drops 32-bit support from OpenMPI.
> > > 
> > > Because of this, I don't think the solution is to  port 32-bit atomics for
> > > armel/armhf, as it will be removed in a few weeks/months.
> > > 
> > > While we didn't want the transitions to be done simultaneously, it might 
> > > be
> > > the best answer.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > What does the release team think?
> > Adding another transition on top will just delay the time_t transition
> > even more. So if we can avoid that, I'd prefer to not do this transition
> > now. Unfortunately, uploads such as the one of pmix that no dropped
> > support for 32 bit architectures (#1068211) are not really helpful.
> > 
> > Also, #1064810 has no information on test builds with the new
> > mpi-defaults on a 32 bit architecture. So has this transition been
> > tested?
> > 
> > Cheers
> OpenMPI 5 drops 32-bit support, but otherwise does not change the API/ABI.
> So it is technically not a transition, but breaks 32-bit builds.

Doesn't make it better. This is not the time to do that without tests
builds and bugs filed.

> The solution is changing mpi-defaults to MPICH for 32-bit archs. MPICH
> builds on all archs, but testing all dependencies of the change has not been
> tested, and I don't know how you would do that - setting up eg ratt to
> rebuild all on 32-bit archs (as everything on 64-bit will not have changed.)

Beside the easy part of chaning mpi-defaults, I count 30 something
packages that have explicit build dependencies on libopenmpi-dev. None
of those packages has bugs filed to change to mpich on 32 bit

To be honest, I don't see these two changes (changing mpi-defaults to
mpich on 32 bit; breaking 32 bit build of openmpi) to be ready. It'd be
preferable to reinstate a 32-bit compatible pmix and fix openmpi on 32
bit until the time_t transition is done.

Sebastian Ramacher

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