On 2/21/07, Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 07:49:47AM +0200, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:

> Btw, I'm curious, about what the situation regarding
> utf8-migration-tool is. My understanding was that fjp and bubulle
> support including this one with Etch to help users migrating from
> earlier releases, but earlier requests to this list on this issue
> remain unanswered.

Frans and Christian have supported the *principle* of having such a tool
included in etch, but neither has indicated that they're able to speak for
the quality of this *particular* tool.  That makes it difficult to judge
that allowing this new package in is a safe change that improves Debian,
because there's a lack of information available, and this is precisely the
sort of tool that screams "will cause data loss if anything goes wrong."

That affirmation is unsubstanciated.

Successful use reports from folks using this package in Debian might tip the
balance; but in the absence of bug reports, "works good" is
indistinguishable from "no one's using it".

There's been plenty of bug reports early on and all issues brought up
were fixed. Tests were also made with a variety of locales. At worst,
in a few rare cases, the tool reported being unable to process the
input files. So, no, it doesn't cause data loss. As for "no one's
using it", there's ample Popularity Contest" data to disqualify that

Martin-Éric Racine

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