Control: tag -1 confirmed

On Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 02:01:36PM +0100, Dale Richards wrote:
> [ Reason ]
> This update resolves two security vulnerabilities present in
> the version of python-aiosmtpd in Bookworm (1.4.3-1.1):
>   * CVE-2024-27305 - SMTP smuggling due to poor handling of
>     non-standard line endings (Bug: #1066820)
>   * CVE-2024-34083 - STARTTLS unencrypted command injection
>     (Bug: #1072119)
> These have both been deemed unworthy of a DSA, but the
> Security Team have suggested we update this package for the
> next Bookworm point release.

Please go ahead.


Jonathan Wiltshire                            
Debian Developer               

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