
(I am not the maintainer.) openvpn in etch randomly crashes on amd64 due
to #390697, a side effect of #394695.  It is possible that disabling the
"comp-lzo" option in openvpn would eliminate the crashes, but this would
also disable compression of the transported VPN traffic.

The fix for the version in etch is very simple:

-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.16), libssl-dev (>> 0.9.6), liblzo-dev, 
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.16), libssl-dev (>> 0.9.6), liblzo2-dev, 

I've tested this on a busy VPN and I have not seen any crashes on client
or server.  Would it be possible to see this fix in a stable update?

Robert Edmonds

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