Thank you very much for the reply.

I am not sure if it is so straightforward. My case: I had amarok and octave
installed from long ago. Then, fftw3 came out of the repository. When I have
something in "local or obsolete", I try to remove it :-) Then, apt wanted to
remove amarok, octave and all their dependents.

So, if I cannot find the "new" package (imagine that the name is completely
different, instead of libfftw3-3), the only possibility is to remove fftw3,
remove the other packages and then, reinstall the packages.

Am I right? (if not, sorry). Then, I think it is a bit obscure even for a
smart sid user :-) I would be scared that, after removing fftw3, I was
taking the risk of not being able to reinstall the packages, as in sid some
dependencies are temporarily broken.

Please Cc to me the replies.

Thank you,


On 03/11/2007, Pierre Habouzit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 07:11:41PM +0000, David wrote:
> > You are right. After installing libfftw3-3 and libfftw3-dev, I was able
> to
> > remove fftw3 and fftw3-dev without breaking dependencies.
>   apt tools will know about that.
> > But an important question is: *how should a sid user had found that?* I
> am
> > interested, if someone can explain me, could you please tell to the list
> or
> > only to my email address?
> >
> > And another question: now, why is apt happy about the dependencies? I
> mean:
> > octave2.9 depends on fftw3, now fftw3 is removed, but octave2.9 is still
> > there. *How does apt know that the dependencies are satisfied?*
> >
> > Oh, I see: if I select on synaptic libfftw3-3, go to properties, to
> > dependencies, and to "provided packages", fftw3 is listed there. Is that
> the
> > reason?
>   yes, and that's why no user needs to really know about the rename,
> because the new packages "Provide" the old ones, and new packages
> needing one or the other will use the new names. So if the library is
> used as a dependency, then it will be pulled automatically by one of the
> two reasons I cited. Of course, if you are in the rare case where fftw3
> + its dev package are installed on your system because you hack with it
> then to hide the rename, using a transitional package is required.
> Though for libraries one usually don't do that because people
> developping with it are supposed to be clever enough, and other people
> won't see a thing.
> --
> ·O·  Pierre Habouzit
> ··O                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> OOO                                      

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