Dear Release Team,

as Raphael already asked, is there a chance for such an update?

On Friday 05 September 2008, Raphael Geissert wrote:
> Since version 0.9.26 there are several enhancements that would help avoid
> some attacks on poorly written applications.
> Relevant changelog since current version in unstable:
> * Changed PHP default POST handler to PHP’s current handler
> * Fixed problem with suhosin.perdir
> * Fixed problems with ext/uploadprogress
> * Added suhosin.srand.ignore and suhosin.mt_srand.ignore (default: on)
> * Modified rand()/srand() to use the Mersenne Twister algorithm with
> separate state
> * Added better internal seeding of rand() and mt_rand()

here are the diffstats for changes upstream:

 Changelog      |   20 ++
 execute.c      |  386 
 php_suhosin.h  |   20 ++
 post_handler.c |   65 +++++----
 rfc1867.c      |   17 ++
 suhosin.c      |    9 -
 6 files changed, 478 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

Many thanks for having a look and with kind regards, Jan.
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