On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 13:35 +0200, Michael Meskes wrote:
> After offending Thomas by NMUing lilypond without correctly following the NMU
> rules which I feel sorry about, I'd still like to ask you to unblock lilypond
> because my NMU fixed a release goal bug (one of the last open double-build
> bugs) and made sure that no transitional packages are brought into a fresh
> Lenny install. Thomas, I hope you don't mind me sending this email. 

FYI: the package version is lilypond 2.10.33-2.3. 

Bug #482911 is a double-build problem, but I was under the impression
that this was not a release-critical issue, and so I didn't want to make
an upload until after release.  Please forgive me if this was incorrect.

Bug #481776 and the unreported bug also fixed are, I thought, the sort
of minor thing that should not be done at this point in the release.
But I have no objection to transitioning them if the release team thinks
it wise.


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