On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 12:41:50 +0200
Josselin Mouette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Thanks for your so quick reply (surprised! :-)

> With your changes, the package will refuse to install.
> > +  * debian/update-notifier.install
> > +    - add localized message 
> > +      (as /usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/update-notifier.mo)
> They need to go to update-notifier-common instead.


> > +    - add 
> > /usr/lib/update-notifier/{apt-cdrom-check,apt-check,cddistupgrader}
> > +    - add /usr/share/icons/hicolor/*/apps/*.png
> > +    - add /etc/xdg/autostart/update-notifier.desktop
> All these files are already shipped in update-notifier-common.

 Sorry, I've missed.

> > +  * debian/patches/002_i18n_update.diff
> > +    - update ja.po
> > +  * debian/patches/04_fix_gksu_usage.diff
> > +    - remove unnecessary patch line for src/update-notifier.c.orig.rej
> Fine.

 Thanks. updated file is attached.


 Hideki Yamane     henrich @ debian.or.jp/iijmio-mail.jp

Attachment: update-notifier.diff.update
Description: Binary data

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