* Adeodato Simó <d...@net.com.org.es> [2009-04-02 20:41]:

> Great, I’ll be waiting for the upload and then do the migration.

I prepared the NMU, which can be accessed here:

    dget http://people.debian.org/~rafael/pymtp/pymtp_0.0.4-1.1.dsc

Thomas, please test it.  I added quilt support to the package in order to
introduce my patch.  I also did a minimal change in debian/rule for
removing of the build/directory in the clean rule.  The entry in
debian/changelog reads as below.  The debdiff is attached to this

If I do not hear from you soon I will assume that everything is okay and
upload the package to unstable.

Rafael Laboissiere

===== debian/rules ======================================================
pymtp (0.0.4-1.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload, for unblocking the libmtp7 -> libmtp8
    transition (closes: #521726), with approval of the package maintainer
    and the Debian Release Team, cf :
  * debian/control:
    + (Depends) Depends on libmtp8
    + (Build-Depends) Add quilt
  * debian/patches/adapt-to-libmtp8.diff: Adapt upstream source to
    + pymtp.py: Functions changed:
      - MTP.send_file_from_file
      - MTP.send_track_from_file
      - MTP.create_new_playlist
      - MTP.create_folder
    + examples/send{file,track}.py: Adjust
  * debian/rules (clean):
    + (build, clean) Adapt to quilt
    + (clean) Remove build/ directory

 -- Rafael Laboissiere <raf...@debian.org>  Thu, 02 Apr 2009 22:17:24 +0200
--- pymtp-0.0.4/build/lib/pymtp.py
+++ pymtp-0.0.4.orig/build/lib/pymtp.py
@@ -1,1216 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# A Ctypes wrapper to LibMTP
-# Developed by: Nick Devito (n...@nick125.com)
-# (c) 2008 Nick Devito
-# Released under the GPLv3 or later.
-	PyMTP is a pythonic wrapper around libmtp, making it a bit more 
-	friendly to use in python
-	Example Usage (or see examples/):
-		>>> import pymtp
-		>>> mtp = pymtp.MTP()
-	        >>> mtp.connect()
-		PTP: Opening session
-	        >>> print mtp.get_devicename()
-	        Device name
-	        >>> mtp.disconnect()
-		PTP: Closing session
-		>>>
-__VERSION__ = "0.0.4"
-__AUTHOR__ = "Nick Devito (n...@nick125.com)"
-__LICENSE__ = "GPL-3"
-__DEBUG__ = 1
-import os
-import ctypes
-import ctypes.util
-# NOTE: This code *may* work on windows, I don't have a win32 system to test
-# this on. 
-_module_path = ctypes.util.find_library("mtp") 
-_libmtp = ctypes.CDLL(_module_path)
-# ----------
-# Error Definitions
-# ----------
-class NoDeviceConnected(Exception): 
-	"""
-		Raised when there isn't a device connected to the USB bus 
-	"""
-	pass
-class AlreadyConnected(Exception):
-	"""
-		Raised when we're already connected to a device and there is 
-		an attempt to connect
-	"""
-	pass
-class UnsupportedCommand(Exception): 
-	"""
-		Raised when the connected device does not support the command 
-		issued
-	"""
-	pass
-class CommandFailed(Exception): 
-	"""
-		Raised when the connected device returned an error when trying 
-		to execute a command
-	"""
-	pass
-class NotConnected(Exception): 
-	"""
-		Raised when a command is called and the device is not connected
-	"""
-	pass
-class ObjectNotFound(Exception):
-	"""
-		Raised when a command tries to get an object that doesn't exist
-	"""
-	pass
-# ----------
-# End Error Definitions
-# ----------
-# ----------
-# Data Model Definitions
-# ----------
-class LIBMTP_Error(ctypes.Structure):
-	"""
-		LIBMTP_Error
-		Contains the ctypes structure for LIBMTP_error_t
-	"""
-	def __repr__(self):
-		return self.errornumber
-LIBMTP_Error._fields_ = [("errornumber", ctypes.c_int),
-                         ("error_text", ctypes.c_char_p),
-                         ("next", ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Error))]
-class LIBMTP_DeviceStorage(ctypes.Structure):
-	"""
-		LIBMTP_DeviceStorage
-		Contains the ctypes structure for LIBMTP_devicestorage_t
-	"""
-	def __repr__(self):
-		return self.id
-LIBMTP_DeviceStorage._fields_ = [("id", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                                 ("StorageType", ctypes.c_uint16),
-                                 ("FilesystemType", ctypes.c_uint16),
-                                 ("AccessCapability", ctypes.c_uint16),
-                                 ("MaxCapacity", ctypes.c_uint64),
-                                 ("FreeSpaceInBytes", ctypes.c_uint64),
-                                 ("FreeSpaceInObjects", ctypes.c_uint64),
-                                 ("StorageDescription", ctypes.c_char_p),
-                                 ("VolumeIdentifier", ctypes.c_char_p),
-                                 ("next", ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_DeviceStorage)),
-                                 ("prev", ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_DeviceStorage))]
-class LIBMTP_MTPDevice(ctypes.Structure):
-	"""
-		Contains the ctypes structure for LIBMTP_mtpdevice_t
-	"""
-	def __repr__(self):
-		return self.interface_number
-LIBMTP_MTPDevice._fields_ = [("interface_number", ctypes.c_uint8),
-                             ("params", ctypes.c_void_p),
-                             ("usbinfo", ctypes.c_void_p),
-                             ("storage", ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_DeviceStorage)),
-                             ("errorstack", ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Error)),
-                             ("maximum_battery_level", ctypes.c_uint8),
-                             ("default_music_folder", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                             ("default_playlist_folder", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                             ("default_picture_folder", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                             ("default_video_folder", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                             ("default_organizer_folder", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                             ("default_zencast_folder", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                             ("default_album_folder", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                             ("default_text_folder", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                             ("cd", ctypes.c_void_p),
-                             ("next", ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_MTPDevice))]
-class LIBMTP_File(ctypes.Structure):
-	"""
-		LIBMTP_File
-		Contains the ctypes structure for LIBMTP_file_t
-	"""
-	def __repr__(self):
-		return "%s (%s)" % (self.filename, self.item_id)
-LIBMTP_File._fields_ = [("item_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                        ("parent_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                        ("filename", ctypes.c_char_p),
-                        ("filesize", ctypes.c_uint64),
-			("filetype", ctypes.c_int),
-			("next", ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_File))]
-class LIBMTP_Track(ctypes.Structure):
-	"""
-		LIBMTP_Track
-		Contains the ctypes structure for LIBMTP_track_t
-	"""
-	def __repr__(self):
-		return "%s - %s (%s)" % (self.artist, self.title, self.item_id)
-LIBMTP_Track._fields_ = [("item_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
-			("parent_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
-			("title", ctypes.c_char_p),
-			("artist", ctypes.c_char_p),
-			("genre", ctypes.c_char_p),
-			("album", ctypes.c_char_p),
-			("date", ctypes.c_char_p),
-			("filename", ctypes.c_char_p),
-			("tracknumber", ctypes.c_uint16),
-			("duration", ctypes.c_uint32),
-			("samplerate", ctypes.c_uint32),
-			("nochannels", ctypes.c_uint16),
-			("wavecodec", ctypes.c_uint32),
-			("bitrate", ctypes.c_uint32),
-			("bitratetype", ctypes.c_uint16),
-			("rating", ctypes.c_uint16),
-			("usecount", ctypes.c_uint32),
-			("filesize", ctypes.c_uint64),
-			("filetype", ctypes.c_int),
-			("next", ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Track))]
-class LIBMTP_Playlist(ctypes.Structure):
-	"""
-		LIBMTP_Playlist
-		Contains the ctypes structure for LIBMTP_playlist_t
-	"""
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.tracks = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_uint32(0))
-		self.no_tracks = ctypes.c_uint32(0)
-	def __repr__(self):
-		return "%s (%s)" % (self.name, self.playlist_id)
-	def __iter__(self):
-		"""
-			This allows the playlist object to act like a list with
-			a generator.
-		"""
-		for track in xrange(self.no_tracks):
-			yield self.tracks[track]
-	def __getitem__(self, key):
-		"""
-			This allows the playlist to return tracks like a list
-		"""
-		if (key > (self.no_tracks - 1)):
-			raise IndexError
-		return self.tracks[key]
-	def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-		"""
-			This allows the user to manipulate the playlist like a 
-			list. However, this will only modify existing objects, 
-			you can't try to set a key outside of the current size.
-		"""
-		if (key > (self.no_tracks - 1)):
-			raise IndexError
-		self.tracks[key] = value
-	def __delitem__(self, key):
-		"""
-			This allows the user to delete an object
-			from the playlist
-		"""
-		if (key > (self.no_tracks - 1)):
-			raise IndexError
-		for i in range(key, (self.no_tracks - 1)):
-			self.tracks[i] = self.tracks[i + 1]
-		self.no_tracks -= 1
-	def append(self, value):
-		"""
-			This function appends a track to the end of the tracks
-			list.
-		"""
-		if (self.tracks == None):
-			self.tracks = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_uint32(0))
-		self.no_tracks += 1
-		self.tracks[(self.no_tracks - 1)] = value
-	def __len__(self):
-		"""
-			This returns the number of tracks in the playlist
-		"""
-		return self.no_tracks
-LIBMTP_Playlist._fields_ = [("playlist_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                            ("name", ctypes.c_char_p),
-                            ("tracks", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)),
-                            ("no_tracks", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                            ("next", ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Playlist))]
-class LIBMTP_Folder(ctypes.Structure):
-	"""
-		LIBMTP_Folder
-		Contains the ctypes structure for LIBMTP_folder_t
-	"""
-	def __repr__(self):
-		return "%s (%s)" % (self.name, self.folder_id)
-LIBMTP_Folder._fields_ = [("folder_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                          ("parent_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
-                          ("name", ctypes.c_char_p),
-                          ("sibling", ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Folder)),
-                          ("child", ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Folder))]
-# Abstracted from libmtp's libmtp.h. This must be kept in sync.
-LIBMTP_Filetype = {
-	"WAV":			ctypes.c_int(0),
-	"MP3":			ctypes.c_int(1),
-	"WMA":			ctypes.c_int(2),
-	"OGG":			ctypes.c_int(3),
-	"AUDIBLE":		ctypes.c_int(4),
-	"MP4":			ctypes.c_int(5),
-	"UNDEF_AUDIO":		ctypes.c_int(6),	
-	"WMV":			ctypes.c_int(7),
-	"AVI":			ctypes.c_int(8),
-	"MPEG":			ctypes.c_int(9),
-	"ASF":			ctypes.c_int(10),
-	"QT":			ctypes.c_int(11),
-	"UNDEF_VIDEO":		ctypes.c_int(12),
-	"JPEG":			ctypes.c_int(13),
-	"JFIF":			ctypes.c_int(14),
-	"TIFF":			ctypes.c_int(15),
-	"BMP":			ctypes.c_int(16),
-	"GIF":			ctypes.c_int(17),
-	"PICT":			ctypes.c_int(18),
-	"PNG":			ctypes.c_int(19),
-	"VCALENDAR1":		ctypes.c_int(20),
-	"VCALENDAR2":		ctypes.c_int(21),
-	"VCARD2":		ctypes.c_int(22),
-	"VCARD3":		ctypes.c_int(23),
-	"WINDOWSIMAGEFORMAT":	ctypes.c_int(24),
-	"WINEXEC":		ctypes.c_int(25),
-	"TEXT":			ctypes.c_int(26),
-	"HTML":			ctypes.c_int(27),
-	"FIRMWARE":		ctypes.c_int(28),
-	"AAC":			ctypes.c_int(29),
-	"MEDIACARD":		ctypes.c_int(30),
-	"FLAC":			ctypes.c_int(31),
-	"MP2":			ctypes.c_int(32),
-	"M4A":			ctypes.c_int(33),
-	"DOC":			ctypes.c_int(34),
-	"XML":			ctypes.c_int(35),
-	"XLS":			ctypes.c_int(36),
-	"PPT":			ctypes.c_int(37),
-	"MHT":			ctypes.c_int(38),
-	"JP2":			ctypes.c_int(39),
-	"JPX":			ctypes.c_int(40),
-	"UNKNOWN":		ctypes.c_int(41),
-# Synced from libmtp's libmtp.h. Must be kept in sync.
-LIBMTP_Error_Number = {
-	"NONE":			ctypes.c_int(0),
-	"GENERAL":		ctypes.c_int(1),
-	"PTP_LAYER":		ctypes.c_int(2),
-	"USB_LAYER":		ctypes.c_int(3),
-	"MEMORY_ALLOCATION":	ctypes.c_int(4),
-	"NO_DEVICE_ATTACHED":	ctypes.c_int(5),
-	"STORAGE_FULL":		ctypes.c_int(6),
-	"CONNECTING":		ctypes.c_int(7),
-	"CANCELLED":		ctypes.c_int(8),
-# ----------
-# End Data Model Definitions
-# ----------
-# ----------
-# Type Definitions
-# ----------
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Friendlyname.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Serialnumber.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Modelname.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Manufacturername.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Deviceversion.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Filelisting_With_Callback.restype = ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_File)
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Tracklisting_With_Callback.restype = ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Track)
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Filetype_Description.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Filemetadata.restype = ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_File)
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Trackmetadata.restype = ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Track)
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_First_Device.restype = ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_MTPDevice)
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Playlist_List.restype = ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Playlist)
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Playlist.restype = ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Playlist)
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Folder_List.restype = ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Folder)
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Find_Folder.restype = ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Folder)
-_libmtp.LIBMTP_Get_Errorstack.restype = ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Error)
-# This is for callbacks with the type of LIBMTP_progressfunc_t
-Progressfunc = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint64, ctypes.c_uint64)
-# ----------
-# End Type Definitions
-# ----------
-class MTP:
-	"""
-		The MTP object 
-		This is the main wrapper around libmtp
-	"""
-	def __init__(self):
-		""" 
-			Initializes the MTP object
-			@rtype: None
-			@return: None
-		"""
-		self.mtp = _libmtp
-		self.mtp.LIBMTP_Init()
-		self.device = None
-	def debug_stack(self):
-		"""
-			Checks if __DEBUG__ is set, if so, prints and clears the
-			errorstack.
-			@rtype: None
-			@return: None
-		"""
-		if __DEBUG__:
-			self.mtp.LIBMTP_Dump_Errorstack()
-			#self.mtp.LIBMTP_Clear_Errorstack()
-	def connect(self):
-		"""
-			Initializes the MTP connection to the device 
-			@rtype: None
-			@return: None
-		"""
-		if (self.device != None):
-			raise AlreadyConnected
-		self.device = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_First_Device()
-		if not self.device:
-			self.device = None
-			raise NoDeviceConnected
-	def disconnect(self):
-		"""
-			Disconnects the MTP device and deletes the self.device object
-			@rtype: None
-			@return: None
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		self.mtp.LIBMTP_Release_Device(self.device)
-		del self.device
-		self.device = None
-	def get_devicename(self):
-		"""
-			Returns the connected device's 'friendly name' (or 
-			known as the owner name)
-			@rtype: string
-			@return: The connected device's 'friendly name'
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None): 
-			raise NotConnected
-		return self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Friendlyname(self.device)
-	def set_devicename(self, name):
-		"""
-			Changes the connected device's 'friendly name' to name
-			@type name: string
-			@param name: The name to change the connected device's
-			 'friendly name' to
-			@rtype: None
-			@return: None
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Set_Friendlyname(self.device, name)
-		if (ret != 0):
-			self.debug_stack()
-			raise CommandFailed
-	def get_serialnumber(self):
-		"""
-			Returns the connected device's serial number
-			@rtype: string
-			@return: The connected device's serial number
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		return self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Serialnumber(self.device)
-	def get_manufacturer(self):
-		"""
-			Return the connected device's manufacturer
-			@rtype: string
-			@return: The connected device's manufacturer
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		return self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Manufacturername(self.device)
-	def get_batterylevel(self):
-		"""
-			Returns the connected device's maximum and current 
-			battery levels
-			@rtype: tuple
-			@return: The connected device's maximum and current 
-			 battery levels ([0] is maximum, [1] is current)
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		maximum_level = ctypes.c_uint8()
-		current_level = ctypes.c_uint8()
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Batterylevel(self.device, \
-		  ctypes.byref(maximum_level), ctypes.byref(current_level))
-		if (ret != 0):
-			raise CommandFailed
-		return (maximum_level.value, current_level.value)
-	def get_modelname(self):
-		"""
-			Returns the connected device's model name (such 
-			as "Zen V Plus")
-			@rtype: string
-			@return: The connected device's model name
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		return self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Modelname(self.device)
-	def get_deviceversion(self):
-		"""
-			Returns the connected device's version (such as 
-			firmware/hardware version)
-			@rtype: string
-			@return: Returns the connect device's version 
-			 information
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		return self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Deviceversion(self.device)
-	def get_filelisting(self, callback=None):
-		"""
-			Returns the connected device's file listing as a tuple, 
-			containing L{LIBMTP_File} objects.
-			@type callback: function or None
-			@param callback: The function provided to libmtp to
-			 receive callbacks from ptp. Callback must take two
-			 arguments, total and sent (in bytes)
-			@rtype: tuple
-			@return: Returns the connect device file listing tuple
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		if (callback != None):
-			callback = Progressfunc(callback)
-		files = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Filelisting_With_Callback(self.device, callback, None)
-		ret = []
-		next = files
-		while next:
-			ret.append(next.contents)
-			if (next.contents.next == None):
-				break
-			next = next.contents.next
-		return ret
-	def get_filetype_description(self, filetype):
-		"""
-			Returns the description of the filetype
-			@type filetype: int
-			@param filetype: The MTP filetype integer
-			@rtype: string
-			@return: The file type information
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		return self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Filetype_Description(filetype)
-	def get_file_metadata(self, file_id):
-		"""
-			Returns the file metadata from the connected device
-			As per the libmtp documentation, calling this function 
-			repeatly is not recommended, as it is slow and creates 
-			a large amount of USB traffic.
-			@type file_id: int
-			@param file_id: The unique numeric file id
-			@rtype: LIBMTP_File
-			@return: The file metadata
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Filemetadata(self.device, file_id)
-		if (not hasattr(ret, 'contents')):
-			raise ObjectNotFound
-		return ret.contents
-	def get_tracklisting(self, callback=None):
-		"""
-			Returns tracks from the connected device
-			@type callback: function or None
-			@param callback: The function provided to libmtp to
-			 receive callbacks from ptp. Callback must take two
-			 arguments, total and sent (in bytes)
-			@rtype: tuple
-			@return: Returns a tuple full of L{LIBMTP_Track} objects
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		if (callback != None):
-			callback = Progressfunc(callback)
-		tracks = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Tracklisting_With_Callback(self.device, callback, None)
-		ret = []
-		next = tracks
-		while next:
-			ret.append(next.contents)
-			if (next.contents.next == None):
-				break
-			next = next.contents.next
-		return ret
-	def get_track_metadata(self, track_id):
-		"""
-			Returns the track metadata
-                        As per the libmtp documentation, calling this function repeatly is not
-			recommended, as it is slow and creates a large amount of USB traffic.
-			@type track_id: int
-			@param track_id: The unique numeric track id
-			@rtype: L{LIBMTP_Track}
-			@return: The track metadata
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Trackmetadata(self.device, track_id)
-		if (not hasattr(ret, 'contents')):
-			raise ObjectNotFound
-		return ret.contents
-	def get_file_to_file(self, file_id, target, callback=None):
-		"""
-			Downloads the file from the connected device and stores it at the 
-			target location
-			@type file_id: int
-			@param file_id: The unique numeric file id
-			@type target: str
-			@param target: The location to place the file
-			@type callback: function or None
-			@param callback: The function provided to libmtp to 
-			 receive callbacks from ptp. Callback must take two 
-			 arguments, total and sent (in bytes)
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		if (callback != None):
-			callback = Progressfunc(callback)
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_File_To_File(self.device, file_id, target, callback, None)
-		if (ret != 0):
-			self.debug_stack()
-			raise CommandFailed
-	def get_track_to_file(self, track_id, target, callback=None):
-		"""
-			Downloads the track from the connected device and stores it at 
-			the target location
-			@type track_id: int
-			@param track_id: The unique numeric track id
-			@type target: str
-			@param target: The location to place the track
-			@type callback: function or None
-			@param callback: The function provided to libmtp to
-			 receive callbacks from ptp. Callback must take two
-			 arguments, total and sent (in bytes)
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		if (callback != None):
-			callback = Progressfunc(callback)
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Track_To_File(self.device, track_id, target, callback, None)
-		if (ret != 0):
-			self.debug_stack()
-			raise CommandFailed
-	def find_filetype(self, filename):
-		"""
-			Attempts to guess the filetype off the filename. Kind of 
-			inaccurate and should be trusted with a grain of salt. It
-			works in most situations, though.
-			@type filename: str
-			@param filename: The filename to attempt to guess from
-			@rtype: int
-			@return: The integer of the Filetype
-		"""
-		fileext = filename.lower().split(".")[-1]
-		if (fileext == "wav" or fileext == "wave"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["WAV"]
-		elif (fileext == "mp3"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["MP3"]
-		elif (fileext == "wma"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["WMA"]
-		elif (fileext == "ogg"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["OGG"]
-		elif (fileext == "mp4"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["MP4"]
-		elif (fileext == "wmv"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["WMV"]
-		elif (fileext == "avi"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["AVI"]
-		elif (fileext == "mpeg" or fileext == "mpg"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["MPEG"]
-		elif (fileext == "asf"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["ASF"]
-		elif (fileext == "qt" or fileext == "mov"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["QT"]
-		elif (fileext == "jpeg" or fileext == "jpg"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["JPEG"]
-		elif (fileext == "jfif"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["JFIF"]
-		elif (fileext == "tif" or fileext == "tiff"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["TIFF"]
-		elif (fileext == "bmp"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["BMP"]
-		elif (fileext == "gif"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["GIF"]
-		elif (fileext == "pic" or fileext == "pict"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["PICT"]
-		elif (fileext == "png"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["PNG"]
-		elif (fileext == "wmf"):
-		elif (fileext == "ics"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["VCALENDAR2"]
-		elif (fileext == "exe" or fileext == "com" or fileext == "bat"\
-		      or fileext == "dll" or fileext == "sys"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["WINEXEC"]
-		elif (fileext == "aac"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["AAC"]
-		elif (fileext == "mp2"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["MP2"]
-		elif (fileext == "flac"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["FLAC"]
-		elif (fileext == "m4a"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["M4A"]
-		elif (fileext == "doc"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["DOC"]
-		elif (fileext == "xml"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["XML"]
-		elif (fileext == "xls"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["XLS"]
-		elif (fileext == "ppt"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["PPT"]
-		elif (fileext == "mht"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["MHT"]
-		elif (fileext == "jp2"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["JP2"]
-		elif (fileext == "jpx"):
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["JPX"]
-		else:
-			return LIBMTP_Filetype["UNKNOWN"]
-	def send_file_from_file(self, source, target, parent=0, callback=None):
-		"""
-			Sends a file from the filesystem to the connected device
-			and stores it at the target filename inside the parent.
-			This will attempt to "guess" the filetype with 
-			find_filetype()
-			@type source: str
-			@param source: The path on the filesystem where the file resides
-			@type target: str
-			@param target: The target filename on the device
-			@type parent: int or 0
-			@param parent: The parent directory for the file to go 
-			 into; If 0, the file goes into main directory
-			@type callback: function or None
-			@param callback: The function provided to libmtp to 
-			 receive callbacks from ptp. Callback function must
-			 take two arguments, sent and total (in bytes)
-			@rtype: int
-			@return: The object ID of the new file
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		if (os.path.isfile(source) == False):
-			raise IOError
-		if (callback != None):
-			callback = Progressfunc(callback)
-		metadata = LIBMTP_File(filename=target, \
-		  filetype=self.find_filetype(source), \
-		  filesize=os.stat(source).st_size)
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Send_File_From_File(self.device, source, \
-		  ctypes.pointer(metadata), callback, None, parent)
-		if (ret != 0):
-			self.debug_stack()
-			raise CommandFailed
-		return metadata.item_id
-	def send_track_from_file(self, source, target, metadata, parent=0, callback=None):
-		"""
-			Sends a track from the filesystem to the connected 
-			device
-			@type source: str
-			@param source: The path where the track resides
-			@type target: str
-			@param target: The target filename on the device
-			@type metadata: LIBMTP_Track
-			@param metadata: The track metadata
-			@type parent: int or 0
-			@param parent: The parent directory for the track;
-			 if 0, the track will be placed in the base dir.
-			@type callback: function or None
-			@param callback: The function provided to libmtp to
-			 receive callbacks from ptp. Callback function must
-			 take two arguments, sent and total (in bytes)
-			@rtype: int
-			@return: The object ID of the new track
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		if (os.path.exists(source) == None):
-			raise IOError
-		if callback:
-			callback = Progressfunc(callback)
-		metadata.filename = target
-		metadata.parent_id = parent
-		metadata.filetype = self.find_filetype(source)
-		metadata.filesize = os.stat(source).st_size
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Send_Track_From_File(self.device, source, \
-		  ctypes.pointer(metadata), callback, None, parent)
-		if (ret != 0):
-			self.debug_stack()
-			raise CommandFailed
-		return metadata.item_id
-	def get_freespace(self):
-		"""
-			Returns the amount of free space on the connected device
-			@rtype: long
-			@return: The amount of free storage in bytes
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Storage(self.device, 0)
-		return self.device.contents.storage.contents.FreeSpaceInBytes
-	def get_totalspace(self):
-		"""
-			Returns the total space on the connected device
-			@rtype: long
-			@return: The amount of total storage in bytes
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Storage(self.device, 0)
-		return self.device.contents.storage.contents.MaxCapacity
-	def get_usedspace(self):
-		"""
-			Returns the amount of used space on the connected device
-			@rtype: long
-			@return: The amount of used storage in bytes
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Storage(self.device, 0)
-		storage = self.device.contents.storage.contents
-		return (storage.MaxCapacity - storage.FreeSpaceInBytes)
-	def get_usedspace_percent(self):
-		"""
-			Returns the amount of used space as a percentage
-			@rtype: float
-			@return: The percentage of used storage
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Storage(self.device, 0)
-		storage = self.device.contents.storage.contents
-		# Why don't we call self.get_totalspace/self.get_usedspace 
-		# here? That would require 3 *more* calls to 
-		# LIBMTP_Get_Storage
-		usedspace = storage.MaxCapacity - storage.FreeSpaceInBytes
-		return ((float(usedspace) / float(storage.MaxCapacity)) * 100)
-	def delete_object(self, object_id):
-		"""
-			Deletes the object off the connected device.
-			@type object_id: int
-			@param object_id: The unique object identifier
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Delete_Object(self.device, object_id)
-		if (ret != 0):
-			self.debug_stack()
-			raise CommandFailed
-	def get_playlists(self):
-		"""
-			Returns a tuple filled with L{LIBMTP_Playlist} objects
-			from the connected device.
-			The main gotcha of this function is that the tracks 
-			variable of LIBMTP_Playlist isn't iterable (without
-			segfaults), so, you have to iterate over the no_tracks
-			(through range or xrange) and access it that way (i.e.
-			tracks[track_id]). Kind of sucks.
-			@rtype: tuple
-			@return: Tuple filled with LIBMTP_Playlist objects
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		playlists = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Playlist_List(self.device)
-		ret = []
-		next = playlists
-		while next:
-			ret.append(next.contents)
-			if (next.contents.next == None):
-				break
-			next = next.contents.next
-		return ret
-	def get_playlist(self, playlist_id):
-		"""
-			Returns a L{LIBMTP_Playlist} object of the requested
-			playlist_id from the connected device
-			@type playlist_id: int
-			@param playlist_id: The unique playlist identifier
-			@rtype: LIBMTP_Playlist
-			@return: The playlist object
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Playlist(self.device, playlist_id).contents
-		if (ret != 0):
-			raise ObjectNotFound
-		return ret
-	def create_new_playlist(self, metadata, parent=0):
-		"""
-			Creates a new playlist based on the metadata object
-			passed.
-			@type metadata: LIBMTP_Playlist
-			@param metadata: A LIBMTP_Playlist object describing 
-			 the playlist
-			@type parent: int or 0
-			@param parent: The parent ID or 0 for base
-			@rtype: int
-			@return: The object ID of the new playlist
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Create_New_Playlist(self.device, ctypes.pointer(metadata), parent)
-		if (ret == 0):
-			self.debug_stack()
-			raise CommandFailed
-		return ret
-	def update_playlist(self, metadata):
-		"""
-			Updates a playlist based on the supplied metadata. 
-			When updating the tracks field in a playlist, this
-			function will replace the playlist's tracks with 
-			the tracks supplied in the metadata object. This
-			means that the previous tracks in the playlist
-			will be overwritten.
-			@type metadata: LIBMTP_Playlist
-			@param metadata: A LIBMTP_Playlist object describing
-			 the updates to the playlist.
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Update_Playlist(self.device, ctypes.pointer(metadata))
-		if (ret != 0):
-			self.debug_stack()
-			raise CommandFailed
-	def get_folder_list(self):
-		"""
-			Returns a pythonic dict of the folders on the
-			device.
-			@rtype: dict
-			@return: A dict of the folders on the device where
-			 the folder ID is the key.
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		folders = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Folder_List(self.device)
-		next = folders
-		# List of folders, key being the folder ID
-		ret = {}		
-		# Iterate over the folders to grab the first-level parents
-		while True:
-			next = next.contents
-			scanned = True
-			# Check if this ID exists, if not, add it
-			# and trigger a scan of the children
-			if not (ret.has_key(next.folder_id)):
-				ret[next.folder_id] = next
-				scanned = False
-			if ((scanned == False) and (next.child)):
-				## Scan the children
-				next = next.child
-			elif (next.sibling):
-				## Scan the siblings
-				next = next.sibling
-			elif (next.parent_id != 0):
-				## If we have no children/siblings to visit,
-				## and we aren't at the parent, go back to
-				## the parent.
-			 	next = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Find_Folder(folders, int(next.parent_id))
-			else:
-				## We have scanned everything, let's go home.
-				break
-		return ret
-	def get_parent_folders(self):
-		"""
-			Returns a list of only the parent folders.
-			@rtype: list
-			@return: Returns a list of the parent folders
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		folders = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Folder_List(self.device)
-		next = folders
-		# A temporary holding space, this makes checking folder
-		# IDs easier
-		tmp = {}
-		while True:
-			next = next.contents
-			## Check if this folder is in the dict
-			if not (tmp.has_key(next.folder_id)):
-				tmp[next.folder_id] = next
-			# Check for siblings
-			if (next.sibling):
-				## Scan the sibling
-				next = next.sibling
-			else:
-				## We're done here.
-				break
-		## convert the dict into a list
-		ret = []
-		for key in tmp:
-			ret.append(tmp[key])
-		return ret
-	def create_folder(self, name, parent=0):
-		"""
-			This creates a new folder in the parent. If the parent 
-			is 0, it will go in the main directory.
-			@type name: str
-			@param name: The name for the folder
-			@type parent: int
-			@param parent: The parent ID or 0 for main directory
-			@rtype: int
-			@return: Returns the object ID of the new folder
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Create_Folder(self.device, name, parent)
-		if (ret == 0):
-			self.debug_stack()
-			raise CommandFailed 
-		return ret
-	def get_errorstack(self):
-		"""
-			Returns the connected device's errorstack from
-			@rtype: L{LIBMTP_Error}
-			@return: An array of LIBMTP_Errors.
-		"""
-		if (self.device == None):
-			raise NotConnected
-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Errorstack(self.device)
-		if (ret != 0):
-			raise CommandFailed
-		return ret
diff -u pymtp-0.0.4/debian/rules pymtp-0.0.4/debian/rules
--- pymtp-0.0.4/debian/rules
+++ pymtp-0.0.4/debian/rules
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
 #export DH_VERBOSE=1
+export QUILT_PATCHES=$(shell pwd)/debian/patches
 PREFIX := debian/python-pymtp/usr
@@ -22,9 +23,11 @@
 build: build-stamp
-build-stamp: configure-stamp 
+build-stamp: configure-stamp
+	quilt push -a
 	# Add here commands to compile the package.
 	#docbook-to-man debian/python-pymtp.sgml > python-pymtp.1
@@ -34,17 +37,18 @@
-	rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp
+	-quilt pop -a
+	rm -rf build-stamp configure-stamp build .pc
 	# Add here commands to clean up after the build process.
 	#-$(MAKE) clean
-	dh_clean 
+	dh_clean
-	dh_clean -k 
+	dh_clean -k
 	# Add here commands to install the package into debian/python-pymtp.
@@ -55,7 +59,7 @@
 binary-indep: build install
-	dh_installchangelogs 
+	dh_installchangelogs
diff -u pymtp-0.0.4/debian/changelog pymtp-0.0.4/debian/changelog
--- pymtp-0.0.4/debian/changelog
+++ pymtp-0.0.4/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
+pymtp (0.0.4-1.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload, for unblocking the libmtp7 -> libmtp8
+    transition (closes: #521726), with approval of the package maintainer
+    and the Debian Release Team, cf :
+    http://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2009/04/msg00018.html
+  * debian/control:
+    + (Depends) Depends on libmtp8
+    + (Build-Depends) Add quilt
+  * debian/patches/adapt-to-libmtp8.diff: Adapt upstream source to
+    libmtp8:
+    + pymtp.py: Functions changed:
+      - MTP.send_file_from_file
+      - MTP.send_track_from_file
+      - MTP.create_new_playlist
+      - MTP.create_folder
+    + examples/send{file,track}.py: Adjust
+  * debian/rules (clean):
+    + (build, clean) Adapt to quilt
+    + (clean) Remove build/ directory
+ -- Rafael Laboissiere <raf...@debian.org>  Thu, 02 Apr 2009 22:17:24 +0200
 pymtp (0.0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Initial release (Closes: #489547)
diff -u pymtp-0.0.4/debian/control pymtp-0.0.4/debian/control
--- pymtp-0.0.4/debian/control
+++ pymtp-0.0.4/debian/control
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Section: python
 Priority: extra
 Maintainer: Thomas Perl <t...@perli.net>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), python-support
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), python-support, quilt
 Standards-Version: 3.8.0
 XS-Python-Version: all
 XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 Package: python-pymtp
 Architecture: all
-Depends: python, libmtp7, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Depends: python, libmtp8, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Description: Pythonic binding to LibMTP to interact with MTP devices
  PyMTP is a Pythonic binding to LibMTP that allows Python programs
  to interact with LibMTP-supported devices. These devices include
only in patch2:
--- pymtp-0.0.4.orig/debian/patches/adapt-to-libmtp8.diff
+++ pymtp-0.0.4/debian/patches/adapt-to-libmtp8.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+Adapt to libmtp8 (libmtp_0.3.7)
+ -- Rafael Laboissiere <raf...@debian.org>  Thu, 02 Apr 2009 22:17:24 +0200
+--- pymtp-0.0.4.orig/examples/sendtrack.py
++++ pymtp-0.0.4/examples/sendtrack.py
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+ sys.path.insert(0, "../")
+ import pymtp
+-import pyid3lib
++from ID3 import *
+ def usage():
+ 	print "Usage: %s <source> <target> <parent>\n(The parent id can be 0 for the root directory)" % (sys.argv[0])
+@@ -26,20 +26,19 @@
+ 	target = sys.argv[2]
+ 	parent = int(sys.argv[3])
+-	id3data = pyid3lib.tag(source)
++	id3data = ID3(source)
+-	metadata = pymtp.LIBMTP_Track()
++        metadata = pymtp.LIBMTP_Track()
++	metadata.parent_id = parent;
+-	if (hasattr(id3data, 'artist')):
++        if (hasattr(id3data, 'artist')):
+ 		metadata.artist = id3data.artist
+ 	if (hasattr(id3data, 'title')):
+ 		metadata.title = id3data.title
+ 	if (hasattr(id3data, 'album')):
+ 		metadata.album = id3data.album
+-	if (hasattr(id3data, 'tracknum')):
+-		metadata.tracknumber = id3data.tracknum
+-	track_id = mtp.send_track_from_file(source, target, metadata, parent=parent)
++	track_id = mtp.send_track_from_file(source, target, metadata)
+ 	print "Created new track with ID: %s" % (track_id)
+ 	mtp.disconnect()
+--- pymtp-0.0.4.orig/examples/sendfile.py
++++ pymtp-0.0.4/examples/sendfile.py
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
+ import pyid3lib
+ def usage():
+-	print "Usage: %s <source> <target> <parent>\n(The parent id can be 0 for the root directory)" % (sys.argv[0])
++	print "Usage: %s <source> <target>" % (sys.argv[0])
+ def main():
+ 	if len(sys.argv) <= 3:
+@@ -24,9 +24,8 @@
+ 	source = sys.argv[1]
+ 	target = sys.argv[2]
+-	parent = int(sys.argv[3])
+-	file_id = mtp.send_file_from_file(source, target, parent=parent)
++	file_id = mtp.send_file_from_file(source, target)
+ 	print "Created new track with ID: %s" % (file_id)
+ 	mtp.disconnect()
+--- pymtp-0.0.4.orig/pymtp.py
++++ pymtp-0.0.4/pymtp.py
+@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@
+ LIBMTP_File._fields_ = [("item_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
+                         ("parent_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
++                        ("storage_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
+                         ("filename", ctypes.c_char_p),
+                         ("filesize", ctypes.c_uint64),
+ 			("filetype", ctypes.c_int),
+@@ -183,8 +184,10 @@
+ LIBMTP_Track._fields_ = [("item_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
+ 			("parent_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
++                        ("storage_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
+ 			("title", ctypes.c_char_p),
+ 			("artist", ctypes.c_char_p),
++			("composer", ctypes.c_char_p),
+ 			("genre", ctypes.c_char_p),
+ 			("album", ctypes.c_char_p),
+ 			("date", ctypes.c_char_p),
+@@ -277,6 +280,8 @@
+ 		return self.no_tracks
+ LIBMTP_Playlist._fields_ = [("playlist_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
++	  		    ("parent_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
++                            ("storage_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
+                             ("name", ctypes.c_char_p),
+                             ("tracks", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)),
+                             ("no_tracks", ctypes.c_uint32),
+@@ -293,6 +298,7 @@
+ LIBMTP_Folder._fields_ = [("folder_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
+                           ("parent_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
++                          ("storage_id", ctypes.c_uint32),
+                           ("name", ctypes.c_char_p),
+                           ("sibling", ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Folder)),
+                           ("child", ctypes.POINTER(LIBMTP_Folder))]
+@@ -819,7 +825,7 @@
+ 		else:
+ 			return LIBMTP_Filetype["UNKNOWN"]
+-	def send_file_from_file(self, source, target, parent=0, callback=None):
++	def send_file_from_file(self, source, target, callback=None):
+ 		"""
+ 			Sends a file from the filesystem to the connected device
+ 			and stores it at the target filename inside the parent.
+@@ -831,9 +837,6 @@
+ 			@param source: The path on the filesystem where the file resides
+ 			@type target: str
+ 			@param target: The target filename on the device
+-			@type parent: int or 0
+-			@param parent: The parent directory for the file to go 
+-			 into; If 0, the file goes into main directory
+ 			@type callback: function or None
+ 			@param callback: The function provided to libmtp to 
+ 			 receive callbacks from ptp. Callback function must
+@@ -856,7 +859,7 @@
+ 		  filesize=os.stat(source).st_size)
+ 		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Send_File_From_File(self.device, source, \
+-		  ctypes.pointer(metadata), callback, None, parent)
++		  ctypes.pointer(metadata), callback, None)
+ 		if (ret != 0):
+ 			self.debug_stack()
+@@ -864,7 +867,7 @@
+ 		return metadata.item_id
+-	def send_track_from_file(self, source, target, metadata, parent=0, callback=None):
++	def send_track_from_file(self, source, target, metadata, callback=None):
+ 		"""
+ 			Sends a track from the filesystem to the connected 
+ 			device
+@@ -875,9 +878,6 @@
+ 			@param target: The target filename on the device
+ 			@type metadata: LIBMTP_Track
+ 			@param metadata: The track metadata
+-			@type parent: int or 0
+-			@param parent: The parent directory for the track;
+-			 if 0, the track will be placed in the base dir.
+ 			@type callback: function or None
+ 			@param callback: The function provided to libmtp to
+ 			 receive callbacks from ptp. Callback function must
+@@ -896,12 +896,11 @@
+ 			callback = Progressfunc(callback)
+ 		metadata.filename = target
+-		metadata.parent_id = parent
+ 		metadata.filetype = self.find_filetype(source)
+ 		metadata.filesize = os.stat(source).st_size
+ 		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Send_Track_From_File(self.device, source, \
+-		  ctypes.pointer(metadata), callback, None, parent)
++		  ctypes.pointer(metadata), callback, None)
+ 		if (ret != 0):
+ 			self.debug_stack()
+@@ -1031,14 +1030,14 @@
+ 		if (self.device == None):
+ 			raise NotConnected
+-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Playlist(self.device, playlist_id).contents
+-		if (ret != 0):
++		try:
++			ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Get_Playlist(self.device, playlist_id).contents
++		except ValueError:
+ 			raise ObjectNotFound
+ 		return ret
+-	def create_new_playlist(self, metadata, parent=0):
++	def create_new_playlist(self, metadata):
+ 		"""
+ 			Creates a new playlist based on the metadata object
+ 			passed.
+@@ -1046,8 +1045,6 @@
+ 			@type metadata: LIBMTP_Playlist
+ 			@param metadata: A LIBMTP_Playlist object describing 
+ 			 the playlist
+-			@type parent: int or 0
+-			@param parent: The parent ID or 0 for base
+ 			@rtype: int
+ 			@return: The object ID of the new playlist
+ 		"""
+@@ -1055,13 +1052,13 @@
+ 		if (self.device == None):
+ 			raise NotConnected
+-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Create_New_Playlist(self.device, ctypes.pointer(metadata), parent)
++		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Create_New_Playlist(self.device, ctypes.pointer(metadata))
+-		if (ret == 0):
++		if (ret != 0):
+ 			self.debug_stack()
+ 			raise CommandFailed
+-		return ret
++		return metadata.playlist_id
+ 	def update_playlist(self, metadata):
+ 		"""
+@@ -1173,7 +1170,7 @@
+ 		return ret
+-	def create_folder(self, name, parent=0):
++	def create_folder(self, name, parent=0, storage=0):
+ 		"""
+ 			This creates a new folder in the parent. If the parent 
+ 			is 0, it will go in the main directory.
+@@ -1182,6 +1179,9 @@
+ 			@param name: The name for the folder
+ 			@type parent: int
+ 			@param parent: The parent ID or 0 for main directory
++                        @type storage: int
++                        @param storage: The storage id or 0 to create the new folder
++                                        on the primary storage
+ 			@rtype: int
+ 			@return: Returns the object ID of the new folder
+ 		"""
+@@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@
+ 		if (self.device == None):
+ 			raise NotConnected
+-		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Create_Folder(self.device, name, parent)
++		ret = self.mtp.LIBMTP_Create_Folder(self.device, name, parent, storage)
+ 		if (ret == 0):
+ 			self.debug_stack()
only in patch2:
--- pymtp-0.0.4.orig/debian/patches/series
+++ pymtp-0.0.4/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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