Mehdi Dogguy <> writes:
> On 08/17/2010 08:50 AM, Guido Günther wrote:

>> Hi, please unblock the above version.

> In git-buildpackage-0.5.2/gbp-pq:
> +    maintainer="$(sed -n -e 's/Maintainer: \+\(.*\)/\1/p' debian/control)"
> +    QUILT_PATCHES=$patches run_git quiltimport --author "$maintainer"

> What happens when the rest of the line is empty (maintainers listed
> starting from the next line) or if you have several maintainers listed
> on the same line. Wouldn't "$DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>" be ok for this?

I see from subsequent discussion that you had mostly already realized
this, but Maintainer is not a multiline field (unlike Uploaders, which
is).  Either of those formats would be Policy violations.

Russ Allbery (               <>

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