On Thu, 16 Dec 2010 19:20:30 +0100
Carsten Hey <cars...@debian.org> wrote:

> * Philipp Kern [2010-12-16 19:06 +0100]:
> > On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 06:56:13PM +0100, Carsten Hey wrote:
> > > Could rebuilding them please be scheduled?
> >
> > We cannot rebuild arch:all packages without sourceful uploads.

... and as Julien pointed out, these are not RC bugs unless you can
show that these packages fail to install/uninstall/purge.

dpkg-reconfigure is package specific, these problems only matter when
'dpkg --configure -a' becomes broken by such bugs.

> This prints the non arch:all packages:

Simpler to actually include the list:

libaa1-dev  libalogg-dev  bison++  cronolog  cutils  cvs  docbook2x
fdutils  fileschanged  flex-old  glame  gperf  gpm  gtalk
guile-cairo-dev  heroes-common  libhyantes-dev  libccrtp-dev
libiksemel-dev  mboxgrep  mpatrolc2  nana  ncurses-hexedit  ocrad  opt
libreadline5-dev  librplay3-dev  rplay-client  scm  teseq  time
trueprint  tua  ulog-acctd  uucp  xzgv  yafc  yiyantang  zgv  ocrad

Sources: (38)
aalib alogg bison++ cronolog cutils cvs docbook2x fdutils
fileschanged flex-old glame gperf gpm gtalk guile-cairo heroes
hyantesite libccrtp libiksemel mboxgrep mpatrol nana ncurses-hexedit
ocrad opt readline5 rplay scm teseq time trueprint tua ulog-acctd
uucp xzgv yafc yiyantang zgv


Neil Williams

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