tag 664681 moreinfo

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 22:07:22 +0100, Sune Vuorela wrote:

> Package: release.debian.org
> Severity: normal
> User: release.debian....@packages.debian.org
> Usertags: transition
> Hi release team
> a couple of months ago, KDE released the januar feature release
> versioned as 4.8. 
> We are currently slowly preparing it and expect to have it ready in a
> month or two, depending on what fits best in your timeframe.
Tagging moreinfo for now, please untag when this is ready from your
side.  If it goes like 4.7 it shouldn't be much trouble.

Should we do the qt multiarch change before this?

> We have a strong suspicion, among other things due to a almost frozen
> kdelibs upstream and due to the various source package splits that has
> happened as part of the 4.7 transition, that the 4.8 transition will be
> a handful of  untangled transitions each involving 3-5 other small
> sourcepackages and a unknown amount of shlibs bumps.
> The reason for this bug is mostly to make sure it is somewhere on your
> radar before the wheezy freeze.
Thanks, appreciated.

> Love and kisses


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