Cyril Brulebois <> (26/05/2012):
> libextractor-python  | python-extractor uninstallable: #674616
> doddle               | FTBFS: #674333
> fossology            | FTBFS: #674381
> libextractor-java    | FTBFS: #674359
> (No, I didn't look into gnunet*, too much fail already.)

This also means that vdr (and dozens of related packages) can't migrate,
because it gets tied to this transition through this package:

<li><a id="vdr-plugin-xineliboutput" 
(1.0.7+cvs20120325.0846-1 to 1.0.7+cvs20120419.2159-1)
<li>Maintainer: Debian VDR Team
<li>29 days old (needed 10 days)
<li>Invalidated by dependency
<li>Not considered
<li>Depends: vdr-plugin-xineliboutput <a href="#libextractor">libextractor</a> 
(not considered)
<li>Depends: vdr-plugin-xineliboutput <a href="#vdr">vdr</a>

This also means that some other transitions can be removed from our
radar because the old binaries can't go away, since getting vdr in
would be needed.

> Now please fix those RC bugs so that we can move on. Adding the
> sponsor to the Cc list so that he can give a hand.

Alternative way of getting stuff unfucked at this point: reupload the
old package (with an epoch, or with a $foo.really-is.$bar trick), until
you're able to fix all those RC bugs?


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