tag 677574 pending

Jérémy Lal <kapo...@melix.org> (15/06/2012):
> * packages needing a simple rebuild (i checked them) :
>   + libv8-i18n
>   + osmium
>   + drizzle
> * packages needing more work :
>   nodejs (i'm maintaining it and it's ready to be uploaded)
> Please note that SONAME is libv8.so.3.10.8 instead of libv8.so.,
> allowing libv8 maintainers to do patch-level updates without the need to
> setup a transition. This will hopefully improve the current situation.
> I started some discussion about that here :
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-javascript-devel/2012-June/003683.html

As long as binary compatibility is kept between patch-levels, it looks
like a plan.

Tracker is at:

Please go ahead with an upload to unstable.


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