Adding debian-release to get their take.

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 11:51:20PM +0200, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> * Jakub Wilk <>, 2012-07-15, 15:07:
> >>this is most likely caused by building _hashlib as an extension,
> >>not a builtin anymore, to address #680930. rebuilding vim should
> >>fix it.
> >Indeed, rebuild fixed the problem for me.
> However, in comparison to version in testing (2.7.3~rc2-2.1),
> libpython2.7 not only removed two symbols (init_hashlib, init_ssl)
> but also added one (init_heapq). This new symbol doesn't have
> correct dependency declared in the symbols file. As a consequence,
> if you rebuild vim in unstable, and then run it against libpython2.7
> from testing, you get this:
> $ LD_BIND_NOW=1 vim
> vim: symbol lookup error: vim: undefined symbol: init_heapq

So a simple binNMU won't help because it wouldn't have a tight enough
dependency and therefore could transition before python2.7, leaving a
broken Vim in Wheezy.

Shall I make a sourceful upload of Vim with a libpython2.7 (>= 2.7.3-2)
Depends and request it be unblocked or is there another way we should
solve this?

> >I'll check if other source packages are affected later.
> I checked all i386 binaries depending on libpython2.7:
> - There are no other users of init_hashlib.
> - ntop uses init_ssl. However, the intention was to use this one:
> $ readelf -s /usr/lib/ntop/ | grep -w init_ssl
>    446: 00046480  1804 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   12 init_ssl
> So if libpython2.7 dropping init_ssl makes any difference for ntop,
> then it should rather fix things than break them.

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