Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez <> (19/07/2012):
> So, then there isn't any chance of getting aircrack-ng on wheezy?

If you need a third person to say the same thing, let that someone be
me: no.

> I feel that aircrack-ng is a popular piece of software, even after it
> was removed from the archives a year ago, its still on the top 6% of
> the most popular packages on Debian (ranked as #6696 of #128176 on
> popcon) [1]
> So I think that it will be a pity to exclude it from Wheezy because I
> think many Debian users are really going to miss this package.

(Too bad nobody cared enough to fix the issues until now.) Anyway,
thankfully, we'll have wheezy-backports to take care of packages which
didn't make it into wheezy.


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