As you may be aware, the TC recently overruled the maintainers of the
gnome-core metapackage, deciding that the dependency from gnome-core
to network-manager should be weakened from Depends to Recommends.
(The full TC decision is reproduced below.)

In response to this the maintainers have uploaded a new version of
meta-gnome in which the gnome-core package Recommends
network-manager-gnome, as required.  However, additionally, they have
reintroduced a dependency from gnome to network-manager-gnome, as
Depends.  See the changes info, also below.

The Release Team should be aware that our request to unblock the
update to meta-gnome implementing the TC decision does not extend to
this latter change to meta-gnome.

I am going to try to get the TC to pass another resolution
specifically overruling this further decision by the gnome-core



1. The gnome-core metapackage is intended to reflect the core of the
   GNOME desktop environment: the basic tools and subsystems that
   together constitute GNOME.  The gnome metapackage is intended to
   reflect the broader desktop environment, including extra components
   and applications.

2. network-manager is the GNOME network control system, and is
   recommended for most GNOME users.  Some Debian GNOME users don't like
   some of network-manager's behavior and prefer to instead use other
   tools, either basic ifupdown or other frameworks such as wicd.

3. In squeeze, the gnome metapackage lists network-manager in Recommends
   but not Depends.  In wheezy, currently, network-manager has moved from
   gnome to gnome-core, and from Recommends to Depends.  This represents
   a substantially increased insistance that users of the GNOME
   metapackages have network-manager installed; specifically, there is no
   longer any way to install any but the most minimal GNOME metapackage
   (gnome-session) without installing network-manager, and users who have
   gnome or gnome-core installed but have removed or never installed
   network-manager will have network-manager installed during an upgrade
   from squeeze.

4. For most applications and components, the only drawback of this would
   be some additional disk space usage, since the application, despite
   being installed, wouldn't need to be used.  However, network-manager
   assumes that, if it is installed, it should attempt to manage the
   system's network configuration.  It attempts to avoid overriding local
   manual configuration, but it isn't able to detect all cases where the
   user is using some other component or system to manage networking.
   The user has to take separate, explicit (and somewhat unusual for the
   average user) action to disable network-manager after it has been

5. The Technical Committee believes that this will cause undesireable
   behavior for upgrades from squeeze, and (of somewhat lesser
   importance) will make it more difficult than necessary for GNOME users
   to swap network management components, something for which there
   appears to be noticable demand.  We therefore believe that
   network-manager should be moved to Recommends in gnome-core.

6. Please note that this is not a general statement about GNOME
   components.  It is very specific to network-manager because all of the
   following apply:

   (i) The package takes action automatically because it is installed,
      rather than being a component that can either be run or not at the
      user's choice.

   (ii) The package has historically been recommended rather than listed
      as a dependency, so existing Debian users are used to that
      behavior and will expect it to be preserved during upgrades.

   (ii) There is both demonstrable, intentional widespread replacement of
      that package by Debian GNOME users and no significant loss of
      unrelated GNOME desktop functionality by replacing it with a
      different component.

   If any of these points did not apply, the situation would be
   significantly different.


7. The Technical Committee overrules the decision of the gnome-core
   metapackage maintainers.  The dependency from gnome-core to
   network-manager-gnome should be downgraded to Recommends.

8. The Technical Committee requests that the Release Managers unblock
  the update to implement this decision, so that this change may be
  released in wheezy.

Format: 1.8
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 11:58:56 +0200
Source: meta-gnome3
Binary: gnome-core gnome gnome-desktop-environment gnome-platform-devel 
gnome-core-devel gnome-devel gnome-dbg gnome-api-docs
Architecture: source all amd64
Version: 1:3.4+2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian GNOME Maintainers 
Changed-By: Josselin Mouette <>
 gnome      - Full GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components
 gnome-api-docs - API reference documentation for the GNOME libraries
 gnome-core - GNOME Desktop Environment -- essential components
 gnome-core-devel - GNOME Desktop Environment -- development components
 gnome-dbg  - debugging symbols for the GNOME desktop environment
 gnome-desktop-environment - The GNOME Desktop Environment - transitional 
 gnome-devel - GNOME Desktop Environment -- development tools
 gnome-platform-devel - GNOME development platform
Closes: 645656 681757
 meta-gnome3 (1:3.4+2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Depend on g-tweak-tool, it is too useful to be left out.
   * Update epochs on a pair of dependencies.
   * Add architecture tweaks for unavailable packages: rygel, aisleriot,
     seed. Closes: #681757.
   * Move network-manager dependency to gnome. Only recommend it in
     gnome-core. This should be in compliance with the Crusade.
     Closes: #645656.

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