On Sun, Sep  9, 2012 at 00:15:43 +0100, Darren Salt wrote:

> I demand that "Stefan Lippers-Hollmann" may or may not have written...
> [snip]
> > Channels on Astra 28.2°E only show EPG info for $current and $next. The
> > full EPG info for the upcoming 7 days uses a different encoding scheme not
> > supported by vdr. For scheduling timers or even just getting an overview of
> > the current programme list, it would be very helpful to get support for
> > these.
> > I can confirm that the patch listed here
> >     http://linuxtv.org/pipermail/vdr/2012-April/026061.html
> >     http://www.realh.co.uk/vdr_freesat_freeviewhd.patch.gz
> > adds support for decoding UK EPG for BBC, ITV, etc. and fills in EPG
> > listings for the upcoming 7-8 days. It applies without problems to the vdr
> > 1.7.28-1 package and cooperates nicely with Astra 19.2°E and german/ dutch
> > DVB-T channels.
> I can confirm that it works for Freeview HD, and I recently added it to the
> vdr packaging repository. I doubt that it'll get a freeze exception, although
> I don't see that it shouldn't on the grounds that the programme names and
> descriptions are what looks like random junk without this patch.
This is not the way to request a freeze exception.  Open a bug against
release.debian.org with a proposed patch and we'll look at it.


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