Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Please unblock package schroot

I have uploaded schroot 1.6.4-1 to unstable.  This contains some
documentation for wheezy upgrade issues, plus some fixes for
serious and important bugs in wheezy:

schroot (1.6.4-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream stable release.
  * NEWS: Provide guidance for wheezy upgrades with regard to
    use of the profile key in a backward-compatible manner also
    using setup.config, to mimic the behaviour of the deprecated
    script-config key.
  * schroot.conf(5) additionally updated to document script-config
    deprecation and use of user keys such as setup.config.
  * schroot-mount: Canonicalise mountpoints with symlinks to avoid
    mounting absolute paths on the host rather than inside the chroot
    (Closes: #686148).  Note the caveat regarding paths with multiple
    symlinks in schroot-script-config(5).  This permits safe use of
    symlinks as mountpoints in some common circumstances, e.g. on
    /var/lock, which is a symlink to /run/lock, though this is not
    recommended practice.
  * 15binfmt no longer pollutes output, by redirecting stderr from
    "which update-binfmts" (Closes: #688304).
  * Ensure that CHROOT_ALIAS (setup scripts) and SCHROOT_ALIAS_NAME
    (user environment) always refer to the alias used to create the
    session (Closes: #689078).  The alias is no longer canonicalised
    by sbuild::chroot_config::validate_chroots.  The logic for
    chroot validation and information display in sbuild::chroot_config
    and schroot::main_base (and derived classes) required refactoring
    to allow the unresolved alias name to be passed through to the
    session clone operation in sbuild::session, so that it could be
    stored in the chroot's sbuild::chroot_facet_session facet.
  * On session recovery, mount the snapshot LV rather than the source
    LV for LVM snapshot chroots (Closes: #691376).  The code which
    sets the mount device for all mountable chroots (with an
    sbuild::chroot_facet_mountable facet) is in
    All chroot types refactored to set the mount device here.
  * 10mount uses a lock directory /var/lock/schroot to contain its
    lockfile, rather than directly using /var/lock, which is less

 -- Roger Leigh <>  Sat, 27 Oct 2012 23:30:38 +0100

debdiff attached.  Note that because two of the bugfixes required
some refactoring, the patch is large due to changing some method
signatures and moving code around; I also updated the testsuite and
the po translations, which are the bulk of the diff.

unblock schroot/1.6.4-1


Attachment: schroot_1.6.3-1..schroot_1.6.4-1.debdiff.xz
Description: application/xz

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