Hi Julien,

>> Since the last post on this bug report a load of updates related to 
>> localisation have landed. Specifically the package was not previously setup 
>> to 
>> support translations and as such was not translated. The package has now 
>> been 
>> fixed to support translation and translations have been added for Danish, 
>> Slovak, Portuguese, Russian, German, Polish, Czech, French, Italian, 
>> Japanese,
>> Swedish and Spanish.  
>> There was also a review of the english descriptions as part of the process
>> Which resulted in some minor rewordings and clarifications and 
>> (unfortunately)
>> a lot of reformatting.
>> I have also taken the opertunity to revert the removal of fpc.*dpkg* as
>> requested in the unblock discussions for 2.6.0-6
>> I have attached debdiffs against the versions in testing and unstable, please
>> review and ack/nack this upload.
> NAK.  While translation updates might be ok, new i18n isn't (and
> reformatting isn't either).

I'm quite surprised by this refusal. Indeed, by formatting, we mean
English errors fixing on debconf templates. This does not effect the
debconf scripts or any other strings n the executables. I don't see the
point to refuse this kind of modifications as it should be 0 risk?

Can you please explain more the reasons for your refusal?


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