Severity: normal


I am unsure if it was a mistake by me to not submit the request for your
opinion below as a bug, i.e. that the message was lost in your e-mail
filters. Therefor I now file the request as a bug in the BTS.

Apologies if my previous e-mail to debian-release@l.d.o was still in
your queue and this is a duplicate.


On 25-11-12 13:53, Paul Gevers wrote:
> Hi release team,
> Cacti has a nearly 5 months old standing RC bug [1] filed against it
> about files with a non-DFSG license (distribution is possible, but
> others can not use the copy for other purposes, they need to get their
> own free copy). I was hoping that cacti upstream would create the code
> needed to provide the functionality [2] that would be removed by
> removing the files in question. I have now given up on that happening
> soon, so I have created a patch [3] to do that. Before implementing this
> in the Debian cacti package, I request your opinion on what is
> acceptable for wheezy.
> I see several options:
> 1) Ignore this bug for wheezy as these files are shipped already for so
> long and distribution is still allowed (I would prefer we don't choose
> this option).
> 2) Remove the problematic files from source, leaving the cacti package
> slightly crippled. The functionality in question is not needed for cacti
> to work, but if you monitor lots of systems with cacti, your ability to
> locate the proper graphs easily is decreased. (I would rather prefer 1)).
> 3) Remove the problematic files from source, and apply the patch I
> attached to bug 679980 [3], but DON'T add the needed jstree code to the
> package. As my patch, in contrast to the current tree, generates a
> visible (but non-collapsing) HTML tree, this option is already better
> than 1). However, the tree would be enormous for large sites, still
> making it hardly useful for them. This option will be better than 2),
> even more so for small sites.
> 4) Same as 3) but also embed jstree in the package [4]. As the jquery
> and jquery-cookies dependency can be satisfied by packages already in
> Debian, only jstree is needed to be in cacti. It should be clear that I
> prefer this solution (that is why I did the work) but I can imagine that
> the release team finds it too intrusive in this stage of the release cycle.
> So my request is that you state how you want this bug resolved for
> wheezy. If needed, I can prepare the preferred option in experimental
> first, so you can postpone the final decision. But the main change will
> be the patch [3] and the inclusion of jstee [5] and it's css and
> pictures [6].
> With kind regards,
> Paul
> By the way, I would still like to include the changes in the unblock bug
> 683684, as I already see questions popping up on the upstream forum
> (mostly Ubuntu users of current version 0.8.8.a-3).
> [1]
> [2] The functionality being that you have a tree on every page with
> graphs which you can expand or collapse to navigate through all possible
> (groups of) graphs.
> [3]
> [4] I have already filed a wish-list bug against jsquery-goodies to
> create a package for jstree:
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]

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