Am 05.04.2013 06:50, schrieb Jordi Mallach:
> Package:
> Severity: normal
> User:
> Usertags: unblock
> I've prepared an update for alsa-base, to deal with a conffile fuckup that
> happened moths ago and unfortunately got unnoticed by me until recently.
> The rough story is: alsa-base, until +1, was doing Weird Shitâ„¢ with its
> handling of /etc/default/alsa, which wasn't even a conffile. When I got
> rid of all of that in +2, I accidentally got the new conffile renamed to
> /e/d/alsa-base due to using debhelper to install it. The script that
> sources it wasn't updated to look in the new location, and of course users
> were left with the old "conffile" and the new one in the filesystem.
> The updated package tries to fix this for people upgrading from squeeze
> and also for current testing users which already have both files.

As briefly mentioned on IRC, the alternative to switching to
/etc/default/alsa-base, is to keep the old /etc/default/alsa
configuration file (which is used in squeeze) and simply remove
/etc/default/alsa-base for sid users.
Unless there is a good reason to switch to the new name, I'd just keep
the old one.
Jordi, is there a reason why this option was not considered?


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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